Updating Menu Item Extension Grid with the Recipe Extension Grid
When making changes to extensions on a recipe, and that recipe is used in a menu, then the Update Existing Menus button displays above the recipe extension grid to allow you to update the menu item extension grid to match the recipe extension grid.
Complete the following steps:
- Click the Update Existing Menus button, and the following message appears:
- Click See All Instances to display a pop-up of the menus and each menu instance (meal period, week, day) that the recipe is assigned to (screenshot below). An instance that is highlighted red indicates that its menu item extension grid differs from that of the recipe item extension grid.
- By default, the check box of each instance is selected. Make your changes as needed to ensure a check mark is in the menu instances you want to update to the recipe extension grid, and to remove the check marks from the menu instances you do not want to update to the recipe extension grid.
- Click the Update Menus button, and a confirmation message appears prompting you to type "Update" and click the Update button to apply your changes.