- Activating a Sensor in Touch Admin
- Viewing a Current Temperature Reading
- Viewing Battery Level and Signal Strength of a Temperature Sensor
- Viewing Alerts from a Temperature Sensor
- Reports
- Alert Conditions
- Contacts for Temperature Alerts
Activating a Sensor in Touch Admin
Your MealSuite temperature sensors are preconfigured to operate based on previously provided preferences.
After you install a sensor, then you must set its status to "Active" in Touch Admin so that the sensor can begin to send real-time data to the MealSuite system.
- In Touch admin, select HAACP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Fridge/Freezer Sensors tab. A list of existing sensors appears.
- Select the Paused Sensors tab.
- Select the check box(es) of the sensor(s) you want to activate and then click the Activate button. The screen refreshes as follows:
- Select the Active check box and click the Update Temperature Sensors button. The sensors are activated, and are listed in the Active Sensors tab of the main screen.
Viewing a Current Temperature Reading
To view the current temperature reading of a temperature sensor, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Fridge/Freezer Sensors tab.
- Select the Active Sensors sub-tab. A list of existing sensors appears, with the Temperature column listing the temperature of each. The Last Updated (minutes) column indicates when the last reading was received.
Viewing Battery Level and Signal Strength of a Temperature Sensor
To view the battery level and signal strength of a temperature sensor monitoring a location, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Fridge/Freezer Sensors tab.
- Select the Active Sensors sub-tab. A list of existing sensors appears, with the battery level and signal strength displayed in their respective columns.
Viewing Alerts from a Temperature Sensor
- About Alerts
- Viewing Active Alerts of Temperature Sensor
- Viewing Alert History of Temperature Sensor
About Alerts
By default, the MealSuite system monitors each temperature sensor and triggers an alert email to support@mealsuite.com if any of the following conditions occur:
- Last update from sensor is longer than 20 minutes
- Battery level is below 10%
- Signal strength is below 10%
In addition, you can create your own alert conditions to notify select users if the temperature falls below or rises above a certain temperature for a set amount of time. For example, when your freezer is above 40°F for more than 60 seconds, an alert is triggered (see Creating an Alert Condition for Temperature Sensor below for details).
You can view any active alerts and past alerts in Touch Admin. Refer to the appropriate section below.
Viewing Active Alerts of Temperature Sensor
To view any currently active temperature sensors alerts, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Fridge/Freezer Sensors tab.
- Any currently active alerts are listed in the Active Alerts sub-tab.
Note: Alerts from temperature sensors can also be viewed on the HACCP compliance dashboard in the Alerts tab. See The HACCP Compliance Dashboard for more information.
Viewing Alert History of Temperature Sensor
To view past alerts of a temperature sensor, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Automated Alerts tab.
- Select the Alert History. Past alerts are listed.
- Summarized Report for Temperature Sensors
- Detailed History Report for a Temperature Sensor
- Daily Summary Report for a Temperature Sensor
Summarized Report for Temperature Sensors
The summarized report captures the temperatures logged by one or more wireless temperature sensors at specific times in a day across a selected date range. The report is generated in a .csv file that can be opened with Excel®. To generate a summarized report, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Fridge/Freezer Sensors tab.
- At the top right of the screen, click Generate Summarized Report (first screenshot below). The Report Options pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Select the date range via the From and To fields. The maximum range is seven days.
- In the Select sensors box, select the sensors to include in the report.
- Use the Shift key to select a range of sensors
or - Use the Ctrl key to select multiple individual sensors not in a range.
- Use the Shift key to select a range of sensors
- In the Select interval time(s) box, enter up to 4 interval times. The report will include the recorded time that occurred within 10 minutes of each interval time that you enter.
- Click the Go button and the report is downloaded as an .csv file that you can open with Excel®.
Detailed History Report for a Temperature Sensor
The detailed history report for a wireless temperature sensor generates an onscreen graph of temperatures logged by a sensor every 10 minutes for a selected date range. The data can also be exported to a .csv file that can be opened with Excel®. To generate a detailed history report, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Fridge/Freezer Sensors tab.
- Click the Active Sensors sub-tab. A list of existing sensors appears.
- For the sensor whose report you want to view, click its View Reports link. The following screen appears:
- Ensure you are on the Detailed History tab.
- By default, the date range is the last 24 hours set in the From and To fields. Enter a different date range as needed. The maximum range that can be entered is three days. Note that if you enter a date in the From field that surpasses the three-day range as per what is entered in the To field, then the system will automatically adjust the To field to 72 hours more than what is entered in the From field.
- Click the Go button and the graph refreshes accordingly, displaying the temperatures logged every 10 minutes within the selected date range.
- To export the data to a .csv file that can be opened with Excel, click the Export to CSV link (first screenshot below). The file is downloaded to your computer for you to open in Excel (second screenshot below).
Daily Summary Report for a Temperature Sensor
The daily summary report for a temperature sensor generates on onscreen graph of the maximum, average and minimum temperatures logged by a sensor for each date in a selected date range. To generate a daily summary report, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Fridge/Freezer Sensors tab.
- Click the Active Sensors sub-tab. A list of existing sensors appears.
- For the sensor whose report you want to view, click its View Reports link. The following screen appears:
- Click the Daily Summary tab.
- By default, the date range is the last six days as set in the From and To fields. Enter a different date range as needed. The maximum range that can be entered is two weeks. Note that if you enter a date in the From field that surpasses the two-week range as per what is entered in the To field, then the system automatically adjusts the To field to two weeks more than what is entered in the From field.
- Click the Go button and the graph refreshes accordingly, displaying the maximum, average and minimum temperatures logged by a sensor for each date in the selected date range.
Alert Conditions
- Creating Alert Condition for Temperature Sensor
- Modifying an Alert Condition for Temperature Sensor
- Deleting an Alert Condition for a Temperature Sensor
Creating Alert Condition for Temperature Sensor
You can create an alert condition for a temperature sensor. For example, when your freezer is above 40°F for more than 60 seconds, an alert is triggered. To create an alert condition, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Automated Alerts tab. The screen refreshes with the Alert Conditions sub-tab open, listing any existing alerts conditions.
- Click the Add an Alert Condition button at the top right. The following screen appears.
- Enter or select the following:
- Name - name of the alert condition. For example "Above 40 F for 60 seconds"
- Condition - select (>) Greater Than or (<) Less Than.
- Temperature - select the temperature threshold.
- Alert After (Seconds) - select the length of time in seconds.
- Sensor - Select the sensors to generate the alert
- Alert Contacts - select the contacts to receive the alert notifications.
- Click the Create Alert Condition button. You are returned to the Alert Conditions sub-tab, where the newly-added condition is listed (ensure the Alert Conditions tab is selected).
Modifying an Alert Condition for Temperature Sensor
To modify an existing alert condition, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Automated Alerts tab. The screen refreshes with the Alert Conditions sub-tab open, listing any existing alerts conditions.
- For the alert condition you want to modify, click its Edit button. The Edit Alert Condition screen appears.
- Update the following as needed:
- Name - name of the alert condition. For example "Above 40 F for 60 seconds"
- Condition - select (>) Greater Than or (<) Less Than.
- Temperature - select the temperature threshold.
- Alert After (Seconds) - select the length of time in seconds.
- Sensor - Select the sensors to generate the alert
- Alert Contacts - select the contacts to receive the alert notifications.
- Click the Update Alert Condition button to apply your changes.
Deleting an Alert Condition for a Temperature Sensor
To delete an alert condition, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Automated Alerts tab. The screen refreshes with the Alert Conditions sub-tab open, listing any existing alerts conditions.
- For the alert condition you want to modify, click its Delete button. A confirmation message appears.
- Click OK to the confirmation message. The alert condition is deleted.
Contacts for Temperature Alerts
- Creating a New Contact for Temperature Alerts
- Updating a Contact for Temperature Alerts
- Deleting a Contact from Temperature Alerts
Creating a New Contact for Temperature Alerts
To create a new contact to receive temperature alerts from temperature sensors, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Automated Alerts tab.
- Click the Add a Contact button at the top right of the screen. The Alert Contact screen appears.
- Enter or select the following:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone location
- Phone number - enter a 10 digit phone number without spaces or dashes.
- Ext (if any)
- Click into the Alert preference field to select the message type to use when an alert is triggered. (Use the Ctrl key to select multiple types, or click into the field again to make another selection.)
- SMS (text message)
- Call - the recipient will receive an auto-generated voice message.
- Click the Create Alert Contact button. You are returned to the Automated Alerts tab. Click on the Alerts Contact sub-tab to see the newly-added contact listed.
Updating a Contact for Temperature Alerts
To update an existing contact who receives temperature alerts from temperature sensors, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Automated Alerts tab.
- Select the Alerts Contact sub-tab. Any existing contacts are listed.
- For the contact you want to update, click their Edit button. The Alert Contact screen appears.
- Update the contact information as needed:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone location
- Phone number - enter a 10 digit phone number without spaces or dashes.
- Ext (if any)
- Click into the Alert preference field to select the message type to use when an alert is triggered. (Use the Ctrl key to select multiple types, or click into the field again to make another selection.)
- SMS (text message)
- Call - the recipient will receive an auto-generated voice message.
- Click the Update Alert Contact button to apply your changes.
Deleting a Contact from Temperature Alerts
To delete an existing contact who receives temperature alerts from temperature sensors, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select HACCP HQ (under Location Setup).
- Select the Automated Alerts tab.
- Select the Alerts Contact sub-tab. Any existing contacts are listed.
- For the contact you want to delete, click their Delete button. A confirmation message appears.
- Click OK to the confirmation message. The contact is deleted.