- About the Recipes at Scale Report in the Touch App
- Tutorial Video - Recipes at Scale Report in the Touch App (1:05)
- Running the Recipes at Scale Report
- Where is the Info Pulled From for the Recipes at Scale Report?
- Default Settings for the Recipes at Scale Report
- Printable One-Page Quick Reference Guide
About the Recipes at Scale Report in the Touch App
The Recipes at Scale Report in the Touch app generates each recipe scaled to the ingredient amounts needed for the total servings (i.e., a recipe is scaled to match your production requirements).
Tutorial Video - Recipes at Scale Report in the Touch App (1:05)
Running the Recipes at Scale Report
Under Production Reports, tap Recipes at Scale (first screenshot below). The Recipes at Scale screen appears (second screenshot below).
- Select the date to run the report (note that the default is today's date).
- Select the meal period or snack time.
- Select the production area(s), which in turn determines the items to print in the report. If you have a "No Production" production area set up with items that do not need to be produced, then ensure you do not select the "No Production" production area (click here for more information).
- Select the menu service location(s). A menu service location is assigned menus and dining areas (including residence areas enabled as a dining areas for resident profiles with in-room service). The dining areas in turn determine the diet order census based off resident profiles assigned to the dining areas, or a dining area set up with a manual diet order census.
- In the Additional Options for Advance Ordering, you have the following options for residents/patients who place advanced orders:
Use Forecast - If in the core system the advanced ordering census is included in forecasting, then selecting the Use Forecast option will include items and their serving numbers pulled from the forecasting worksheet associated with the selected day and meal period/snack time. Note that items on the forecasting worksheet are determined by actual orders placed; for orders not placed, the worksheet includes items that are automatically selected based on the item selection logic for the advanced ordering service type.
If in the core system the advanced ordering census is not included in forecasting, then selecting the Use Forecast option and running the report will generate the "No report data found" message.
Use Orders - When the Use Orders option is selected, the report will include items for the actual orders placed by resident/patients.
For residents/patients who have not yet placed an order, then by default the report will include items that are automatically selected based on the AO item selection logic. However, if you did not want the report to include items for those resident/patients who have not placed an order, then such items can be configured to be excluded by using the Touch Admin software as follows:
- Select Report Presets.
- Scroll to the Recipes At Scale section.
- Select the Exclude people assigned to the Advanced Ordering service type who have not placed their order option.
From the Recipes at Scale Sort Order drop-down, select how the recipes are to be sorted on the report:
- Alphabetical - sorts items alphabetically.
- Menu Category - items are listed according to the sort order of the menu categories. Items in a menu category are sub-sorted by choices. Items in a choice are sub-sorted by their sort order on the menu.
Appearance on Menu - sorts items by their appearance on their respective menu (see Sorting Menu Categories and Sorting Menu Items for more information).
Tap the Create Report button to generate the report.
Viewing a Recipe
The recipes are listed on the left. To view the details of a recipe, click its View button.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
Increasing or Decreasing Size of Onscreen Content
Tap the magnifying glasses to increase or decrease the size of the onscreen content.
Where is the Info Pulled From for the Recipes at Scale Report?
The report pulls items from the menus assigned to the menu service locations (MSLs) that you select when you run the report.
The serving numbers for each item on the report are determined by the dining areas that are assigned to the MSL. A dining area can be as follows:
- Dining area with resident profiles assigned
- Residence area enabled as dining area for resident profiles with in-room service
- Dining area with a manual census
The serving numbers in turn will be affected by any forecasting applied to the menu:
Default Settings for the Recipes at Scale Report
Certain settings can be set by default when the Recipes at Scale report is run by the Touch app user. These default settings are set in the Touch Admin software. To do so, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select Report Presets. The Report Presets screen appears.
- Scroll to the Recipes at Scale section.
- Select or deselect the default settings as needed:
Use Auto Generated Forecasting - to understand this preset, first note that when forecasting is applied to your menus, the report will automatically include the serving numbers from the associated forecasting worksheet. When a forecasting worksheet is locked, then the report will pull those numbers from the locked forecasting worksheet.
However, If you do not want to pull serving numbers from a locked forecasting worksheet, and instead pull from the latest auto-calculated forecasting results generated by the system (i.e., locked forecasting worksheet is ignored), then you can do so by selecting the Use Auto-Generated Forecasting check box.
Using the auto-generated forecasting results rather than the results from the locked forecasting worksheet provide you with the most up-to-date information based upon your current census and menu edits. It is also a useful function to compare forecasting numbers that you may have manually adjusted on the forecasting worksheet as opposed to what the system auto-calculates.
Exclude people assigned to the Advanced Ordering service type who have not placed their order - this setting works in conjunction with the Use Orders option when running the report, explained as follows:
When the Use Orders option is selected, the report will include items for the actual orders placed by resident/patients.
For those resident/patients who have not yet placed an order, then by default the report will include items that are automatically selected based on the AO item selection logic.
If you did not want the report to include items for those resident/patients who have not placed an order, then such items can be excluded in the report by selecting the Select the Exclude people assigned to the Advanced Ordering service type who have not placed their order option.
Use Auto Generated Forecasting - to understand this preset, first note that when forecasting is applied to your menus, the report will automatically include the serving numbers from the associated forecasting worksheet. When a forecasting worksheet is locked, then the report will pull those numbers from the locked forecasting worksheet.
- Click the Update Report Preset button to apply your changes.
Printable One-Page Quick Reference Guide
Click the attachment below to download a one-page printable guide of the Touch Recipes at Scale Report.