- About In-Room Service for a Residence Area
- Applying Dining Area Settings to Residence Area
- Consolidating Residence Areas Enabled as Dining Areas (Optional)
- Setting the Delivery Sequence for Room Delivery
- Disabling Residence Area as a Dining Area
- Re-enabling Residence Area as a Dining Area
About In-Room Service for a Residence Area
By default, when you create a new residence area, it is automatically enabled as a dining area so that the system knows that meals and snacks can be delivered to rooms in that residential area. However, a residence area enabled as a dining area will require the additional configuration below to allow in-room service
- Applying Dining Area Settings to Residence Area
- Consolidating Residence Areas Enabled as Dining Areas (Optional)
- Setting the Delivery Sequence for Room Delivery
After in-room service for a residence area is set up, you can set up in-room service for a person, which is done via the person's profile. To do so, see Setting Up In-Room Service for a Person.
Applying Dining Area Settings to Residence Area
To enable in-room service for a residence area, you must apply dining area settings to it to have it function in the system as a dining area. Complete the following steps:
- Select Tools & Setup > Facility Builder. The Facility Builder screen appears.
- Select the Dining Areas tab. The Dining Areas screen appears, listing existing dining areas. When a residence area is enabled as a dining area, it appears in italics and preceded by a dash, along with the bed icon (
) in the Type column.
- Click the residence area that is enabled as a dining area, and its slide-out panel appears.
- Complete the settings below:
Selecting Menu Service Location
From the Menu Service Location field, select the menu service location to assign the dining area to. If your account only uses one menu service location, then select it. A menu service location identifies one or more dining areas in your facility in which a particular menu is used. For more information, see Menu Service Locations. Click Save at the top right of the slide-out panel to apply your changes.
Entering Meal Delivery Times and Exceptions for the Residence Area
To enter meal delivery times for the residence area:
- In the available grid in the Active Meal Time section, select the check boxes for the meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner) that the residence area supports and enter the start and end times for each selected meal period.
- Click Save at the top right of the slide-out panel to apply your changes.
- If there is an exception to a standard meal time, then complete the following steps:
- Select the Add exceptions check box. The screen refreshes with a grid below the check box.
- From the Day field, select the day or days in which the exception applies.
- Select the check boxes of the meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner) that will have an exception.
- Enter the start and end times of the selected meal period exceptions.
- Click Save at the top right of the slide-out panel to apply your changes.
- To add another exception, click the Add exception link and repeat steps 2 to 5 above.
Enabling Advanced Ordering for the Residence Area
To enable advanced ordering from the residence area, select the Advanced Ordering check box. The slide-out panel refreshes with the Advanced Ordering Settings section to configure the time period of the wave in a meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and the number of meals that can be served in the wave.
- Service interval increment (i.e., wave) - for each meal period (breakfast. lunch, dinner), select the time period of the wave.
- Meals served per internal - select how many meals will be served per wave.
For example, assume that a wave is set for 60 minutes for lunch, with 30 meals served per wave. The MealSuite Touch app will indicate if a wave is full or not when a user places an advanced order. Click Save at the top right of the slide-out panel to apply your changes.
Configure Advanced Ordering Settings for a Meal Delivery Area in Touch Admin
A dining area (a traditional dining area or a residence area enabled as a dining area) that exists in the MealSuite core system is represented as a meal delivery area in Touch Admin. There are certain advanced ordering settings that are applied to a meal delivery area in Touch Admin. See Configuring Advanced Ordering Settings for a Meal Delivery Area in Touch Admin for instructions to do so.
Consolidating Residence Areas Enabled as Dining Areas (Optional)
For information on how each report looks when residence areas are consolidated, refer to the respective topics below:
- Kitchen Production Sheet (Production) > Consolidating Residence Areas Enabled as Dining Areas > Overview
- Service and Delivery Production Sheet > Consolidating Residence Areas Enabled as Dining Areas > Overview
Consolidating residence areas involves first opening the residence area you want to consolidate, and then selecting the other residence area to consolidate into:
...and multiple residence areas can be consolidated into one residence area:
Steps to Consolidate Residence Areas
With the above knowledge of how residence areas are consolidated, complete the following steps to consolidate residence areas.
- Select Tools & Setup > Facility Builder. The Facility Builder screen appears.
- Click the Dining Areas tab.
- Click the residence area that you want to consolidate into another residence area. The slide-out panel for the residence area appears.
- From the Consolidate production to dining area drop-down, select the residence area to consolidate into.
- Click Save to apply your changes.
- To consolidate another residence area into the same residence area selected in step 4, repeat the above steps.
- With the residence areas consolidated, you can now set up and generate the reports. Refer to the appropriate section below:
Setting the Kitchen Production Sheet to Print Consolidated Residence Areas
- Open the Kitchen Production Sheet settings (Production > Reports > select the Kitchen Production Sheet check box).
- Select the Dining Area Details setting.
- Select the Consolidate Residence Areas to Dining Areas check box (screenshot below).
- Generate the report.
Setting the Service and Delivery Production Sheet to Print Consolidated Residence Areas
- Open to the Service & Delivery Production Sheet settings (Production > Reports > select the Service & Delivery Production Sheet check box).
- Select the Consolidate Residence Areas to Dining Areas check box (screenshot below).
- Generate the report.
Setting the Delivery Sequence for Room Delivery
After you set up your facility with its organizational structure in MealSuite (via the Residences Builder screen), you can set the delivery sequence, which prints a people report in the order in which meals are delivered to rooms. To set the delivery sequence for room delivery:
- Open the Facility Builder screen (Tools & Setup > Facility Builder).
- Select the Residences Builder tab to open the Residences Builder screen.
- Click the Set Delivery Sequence button. The Delivery Sequence slide-out panel appears (screenshot below).
- Expand the top level sections and sub sections as needed.
- Sort the levels to their desired order by clicking and holding a level, and then dragging and dropping it to the desired spot.
- After you have created your sort order, click the Save Sequence button to apply your changes.
Disabling Residence Area as a Dining Area
By default, when you create a new residence area, it is automatically enabled as a dining area so that the system knows that meals and snacks can be delivered to rooms in that residential area. To no longer have a residence area enabled as a dining area, complete the following steps:
- Open the Facility Builder screen (Tools & Setup > Facility Builder).
- Select the Residences Builder tab to open the Residences Builder screen.
- Click the gear icon of the existing area that you want to disable as a dining area (first screenshot below). The Edit/Remove Area pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Deselect the Dining Area check box.
- If the system prompts you to re-enter the area name, do so in the Area Name field.
- Click the Save/Edit Area to apply your settings.
Re-enabling Residence Area as a Dining Area
A residence area that has been disabled as a dining area can be re-enabled as a dining area. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Open the Facility Builder screen (Tools & Setup > Facility Builder).
- Select the Residences Builder tab to open the Residences Builder screen.
- For the residence area you want to re-enable as a dining area, click its gear icon (first screenshot below; note that a residence area not enabled as a dining area does not have the cutlery icon.) The Edit/Remove Area pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Select the Dining Area check box.
- Click the Save/Edit Area to apply your settings