- About the Therapeutic Spreadsheet in the Touch App
- Tutorial Video - Therapeutic Spreadsheet in the Touch App (1:46)
- Running the Therapeutic Spreadsheet
- Viewing the Therapeutic Spreadsheet
- Where is the Info Pulled from for the Therapeutic Spreadsheet?
- Printable One-Page Quick Reference Guide
About the Therapeutic Spreadsheet in the Touch App
The Therapeutic Spreadsheet lists the food items to be served for the various diet type and texture type combinations that are assigned to the residents and patients in your account.
Tutorial Video - Therapeutic Spreadsheet in the Touch App (1:46)
Running the Therapeutic Spreadsheet
Under Production Reports, tap Therapeutic Spreadsheet (first screenshot below). The Service & Delivery Production Sheet appears (second screenshot below).
- Select the meal or snack.
- Select the date to run the report (note that the default is today's date).
- Select the menu service location(s). A menu service location is assigned menus and dining areas (including residence areas enabled as a dining areas for resident profiles with in-room service). The dining areas in turn determine the diet order census based off resident profiles assigned to the dining areas, or a dining area set up with a manual diet order census.
- To include the portion size description for the items, select the Include Portion Size Description check box.
- Tap the Create Report button to generate the report.
Viewing the Therapeutic Spreadsheet
From the left column, select the diet type and texture type combinations to display. Each selected combination displays an equivalent column to the right, listing the items of that combination (screenshot below).
Note that the diet/texture combinations displayed in the report are pulled from the resident profiles assigned to the dining areas (including residence areas enabled as dining areas for in-room service), which in turn are assigned to the menu service location you selected in step 3 above.
An item that appears in blue indicates it is a substitute item for that diet type/texture type combination.
Note that you can select all or clear all combinations via the respective Select All and Clear Selection buttons near the bottom of the first column.
Pinning a Diet/Texture Column to the Side
To pin a diet/texture column to the side so that it does not move when you add other diet/texture columns, click its Pin to Side button. Pinning a column to the side is ideal for the regular/regular column.
Selecting Different Meal Period/Snack Time
After the report is generated, you can select a different meal period/snack time via the Meal drop-down near the bottom of the left column.
Selecting Different Menu Service Location (MSL).
After the report is generated, you can select a different menu service location (MSL) via the Location drop-down near the bottom of the left column. See the Where is the Info Pulled From? section above to understand how the food items and diet type/texture type combinations can change when you select a different MSL.
Increasing or Decreasing Size of Onscreen Content
Tap the magnifying glasses to increase or decrease the size of the onscreen content.
Where is the Info Pulled from for the Therapeutic Spreadsheet?
The menu items displayed in the report are pulled from the menus assigned to the menu service location (MSL).
The diet/texture combinations displayed in the report are pulled from the resident profiles assigned to the dining areas that in turn are assigned to the MSL. A dining area can be as follows:
- Dining area with resident profiles assigned
- Residence area enabled as dining area for resident profiles with in-room service
- Dining area with a manual census
Printable One-Page Quick Reference Guide
Click the attachment below to download a one-page printable guide of the Touch Therapeutic Spreadsheet.