- About the Week-at-a-Glance (WaaG) Report
- Selecting Menu and its Settings to Determine Items to be in the Report
- Report Settings: Week-at-a-Glance (WaaG) Report
- Printing Temporary Replacement Items on WaaG Report
- Printing Special Event Menu on WaaG Report
- Printing WaaG Report for a Date Beyond the Current Menu Cycle
- My temporary replacement items are not showing on the report?
- How do I print all three meal services (breakfast, lunch, dinner) on a single page?
- I don't see the Include Snack Menu option to include snack items in my week-at-a-glance menu?
- I don't see the Include Also Available option to include also available items in my week-at-a-glance menu?
About the Week-at-a-Glance (WaaG) Report
The week-at-a-glance (WaaG) report generates a weekly view (i.e., the items for each weekday are listed) of the menu and the week that is selected in the menu report settings. For each diet type/texture type combination selected in the menu report settings, the report will generate a separate page of the items being served during the week for the diet type/texture type combination.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
Selecting Menu and its Settings to Determine Items to be in the Report
Via Menus > Reports, select the menu and its associated settings (weeks, choices, diet/texture combinations, menu categories) to determine the items to be included in the report. See the separate article Accessing the Menu Report Settings for more information and specific instructions.
Report Settings: Week-at-a-Glance (WaaG) Report
After selecting the menu and its settings, then from the left side of the screen select the Week at a Glance option (under the Display Reports expandable section). The Week at a Glance section appears for you to select the report settings.
Formatting Options
Format - select if the report is to be generated in letter size (8.5 x 11) or legal size (8.5 x 14), or Excel® format. Note about Excel: If generating the report in Excel, it is recommended in the menu report settings to only select one week. If not, then the Excel report will include multiple weeks, which makes it more difficult to print. In addition, see Working in Excel® with Week-at-a-Glance (WaaG) Report for common Excel functions you can use to format the Excel report.
Font Size - select the font size (8 to 16) of the menu items.
Print By
- Display Name - items are listed by their display name (i.e., user-friendly name).
Lookup Name - items are listed by their lookup name (i.e., system name).
Separate Choice With
- Line (only available if the Sort By option is Choice) - separates the choices by a line. See examples below.
Bold Choice 1 - bolds the choice 1 items. (Note that if the Sort By option is Menu Category, then Bold Choice 1 is the only option and is automatically selected.). See examples below.
Sort By
- Menu Category - lists the menu items by the sort order of the menu categories. See examples below.
Choice - lists the menu items by the sort order of the choices (i.e., choice 1 items are listed first, choice 2 items are listed second, etc.). See examples below.
List (only available if Sort By option is Menu Category)
- Choice Of - when all menu items in a category are assigned to all choices, then the menu items are replaced with a “Choice of [Menu Category]” phrase on the report. For example, if you serve coffee and tea, and both are available as choice 1 and choice 2 items, the report states “Choice of Beverage” instead of listing the coffee and tea. See examples below.
- All Menu Items - the display names of the menu items are shown. See examples below.
Examples: Formatting Option Combinations
Examples of each supported formatting option combination are shown below.
Separate Choice With | Sort By | List |
Line | Choice | N/A |
Separate Choice With | Sort By | List |
Bold Choice 1 | Choice | N/A |
Separate Choice With | Sort By | List |
Bold Choice 1 | Menu Category | Choice Of |
Separate Choice With | Sort By | List |
Bold Choice 1 | Menu Category | All Menu Items |
Options to Include
Include Branding - the branding configured for your MealSuite account is applied to the report.
- The logo is centered at the top of the report.
- The primary colour is applied to the background colour of the weekday header. If the Include Daily Service Date option is selected (which adds the date to the right of the weekday), then the weekday header uses 30% opacity of the primary colour and the date header uses 100% of the primary colour. In the example screenshot below, the headers are orange, which is the primary colour.
- The secondary colour is applied to the text colour of the meal periods (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). In the example screenshot below, the meal period text is black, which is the secondary colour.
Include Portion Size - includes the portion size for each item.
Include Calories - includes the calories of each item.
Include Weekly Service Date (option available if the selected menu is a weekly menu and is scheduled) - displays the weekly service date on the report for each selected week, as per screenshot below.
Note 1: If your menu has any temporary replacement items, the Include Weekly Service Date option must be selected for those temporary replacement items to show on the report (i.e., the system requires a calendar point of reference).
Note 2: By selecting the Include Weekly Service Date option, then any special event menu that is scheduled will print on the date the special event is scheduled for. See Printing Special Event Menu on WaaG Report below for more information.
Note 3: In the Weeks field, if you selected a single week from the available weeks in the menu cycle, then a dropdown appears below the Include Weekly Service Date option to allow you to select a specific service start date, including start dates beyond the current menu cycle. See Printing WaaG Report for a Date Beyond the Current Menu Cycle below for more information.
Include Daily Service Date (option available if the Include Weekly Service Date option is selected) - adds the date to the right of the weekday, as per screenshot below.
Include Snack Menu (option available if the selected menu is a standard menu and is scheduled, and if a snack menu is scheduled for same menu service location of the selected menu) - select the Include Snack Menu option to include the snack menu items in the report. The snack times (snack am, snack pm, snack hs) are shown in between the respective meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner) on the report.
Include Also Available (option available if the selected menu is a standard menu and is scheduled, and if an also available (AA) menu is scheduled for same menu service location of the selected menu) - select the Include Also Available option to include the also available (AA) menu items in the report. With this option selected, the Display Also Available Items setting appears, with the Within Meal and Separately options.
The Within Meal option displays the AA items in italics within their associated meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner). The Separately option displays the items in italics in a separate “Also Offered” section at the end of their associated meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
Include Custom Tags - if any custom tags are created for your MealSuite account and applied to recipes on the menu, then the Include Custom Tags option includes the custom tags on the report. With this option selected, the Show By settings appears with the Icon and Display Name options.
The Icon option displays the custom tag icon beside the menu item. The Display Name option displays the custom tag name beside the menu item.
Note: If generating an Excel file (via the Format option above), the display name of the icon prints; the Excel file cannot print an icon and therefore the Icon option is irrelevant.
- Include Note - allows you to enter a custom note to include on the menu (e.g., “Happy Holidays”). The note displays on the bottom of the last page of the report. The note has a maximum of 1000 characters.
Printing Temporary Replacement Items on WaaG Report
If your menu has any temporary replacement items, the Include Service Date option must be selected for those temporary replacement items to show on the WaaG report. This is required because the system requires a calendar point of reference.
Printing Special Event Menu on WaaG Report
- By selecting the Include Weekly Service Date option (first screenshot below), then any special event menu will print on the date the special event is scheduled for (second screenshot below).
- For the special event menu to print, ensure the special event menu is scheduled and that the special event menu is in the same menu service location of the menu being generated in the WaaG report.
Printing WaaG Report for a Date Beyond the Current Menu Cycle
To print the WaaG report for a date beyond the current menu cycle, complete the following steps:
- In the Weeks field (in the Settings section), select the week of the menu cycle you want to print. DO NOT SELECT MORE THAN ONE WEEK.
- Select the Weekly Service Date option (this option is only available if the selected menu is a weekly menu and is scheduled). A dropdown appears with each service start date of the week you selected in step 1.
- From the dropdown, select the service start date.
- Click the Generate button. The report opens as a PDF in a separate browser tab.
My temporary replacement items are not showing on the report?
If your menu has any temporary replacement items, the Include Weekly Service Date option must be selected for those temporary replacement items to show on the report (i.e., the system requires a calendar point of reference).
How do I print all three meal services (breakfast, lunch, dinner) on a single page?
Below are some tips to print all three meal services on a single page:
- Select legal size.
- Adjust font size.
- Remove the options that can be included on report.
- Remove menu categories from a meal service.
I don't see the Include Snack Menu option to include snack items in my week-at-a-glance menu?
The Include Snack Menu option will be available if the selected menu is a standard menu and is scheduled, and if a snack menu is scheduled for the same menu service location of the selected menu.
I don't see the Include Also Available option to include also available items in my week-at-a-glance menu?
The Include Also Available option will be available if the selected menu is a standard menu and is scheduled, and if an also available (AA) menu is scheduled for the same menu service location of the selected menu.