Selecting Recipes to Print in a Recipe Report
There are two methods to select recipes to print in a recipe report:
Selecting Recipes on the Recipe Reports Screen
Via filtering settings on the Recipe Reports screen you can determine the recipes to be included for printing on recipe reports. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Select Recipes > Reports. The Reports screen appears.
- In the Settings section to the right, select one of the following filters to determine what recipes are generated on your reports.
- Recipe Box - filter by specific therapeutic diet orders.
Recipe Category - filter by recipe categories.
- From the adjacent field below the selected filter, select the recipe boxes or recipe categories from which to pull recipes. The screen refreshes to indicate how many recipes the system has pulled.
- To further define the results, the following filter options are available:
- Tags - filter the recipes via tags.
- Business Lines (only available if your MealSuite account is set up with more than one business line).
- Include my corporation items only - TBD
Include prepared foods (option only available if Recipe Category is selected in step 2 above)
- To further narrow down the system results, click the Edit Selections button and a pop-up appears for you to select/clear the recipes. Click Save after making your selections.
Note: For a recipe to be included in the search results, its Include in scaled recipes and cookbooks check box must be selected, as per screenshot below (see Editing a "My Recipe" for more information).
- Select and configure the report(s) you want to generate.
Selecting Recipes on the Recipes Listing Screen
From the Recipes Listing screen, you can select the individual recipes that will print on the reports. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Select Recipes > Recipes Listing. The Recipes screen appears.
- Use the filter and search functionality to create your recipe list.
- Select the check boxes of the recipes you want to print.
- Click the Print button.
- The Reports screen appears with the Scaled Recipes report automatically selected.
- You can configure the settings for the Scaled Recipes report (see Scaled Recipes Report (Recipes), and then generate it. You can also select and configure other report(s) to generate.