Adding Food Items to Allergen Group
An account has the ability to add food items (i.e., ingredients and prepared foods) to any allergen group available to that account (including priority allergen groups). A food item added by an account will flow down to its child accounts, but not flow up to its parent accounts.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
To add a food item to an allergen group, complete the following steps:
Search for the desired allergen group and click it to open its slide-out panel (screenshot below).
- In the Managing Allergens section, click the Add Foods button. The Add Food to [Allergen Group] pop-up appears.
- Select the Food option and use its associated filters as needed:
- Food Type - filter by foods (i.e., ingredients) and prepared foods.
- Categories - filter by food categories.
- Tags - filter by tags applied to prepared foods.
- Business Lines (exists if your MealSuite account is associated with more than one business line)
Display Served Items Only (for future use)
As another search option, the Vendor Products option is a means to select a food item associated with a vendor product. From the vendor products that are returned from the search results, you then select one, which in turns adds the food item the vendor product is linked with (i.e., vendor product is verified for the food item). In other words, the food item the vendor product is linked with is added, and not the vendor product itself.
- In the Search field, enter the description or ID of the item or product you are searching for and click Go. The search results are returned.
- If a food item is an ingredient, then by clicking the eye icon (
) of the item, a separate window appears with the following tabs:
- Details - displays the details and the Nutrition Facts label of the food item.
Where used (screenshot below) - lists the recipes the food item is assigned to as an ingredient.
Procurement - displays the verified vendor products the food item is linked to.
- If an item is a prepared food, then by clicking the eye icon (
) of the item, a separate window appears with the following tabs:
- Details - displays the details and the Nutrition Facts label of the prepared food.
Where used (screenshot below) - displays the following sections:
- Recipes - lists the recipes the prepared food is assigned to as an ingredient, and lists any recipes the prepared food is assigned to as a therapeutic substitute (i.e., an extended recipe).
- Menus - lists the menus the prepared food is assigned to.
Personal Menus - lists the people profiles who have the prepared food item added as a personal item to their personal menu.
Note: The Recipes section is displayed first; therefore if you do not see the Menus and Personal Menus sections, then you can either collapse the Recipes section (by clicking the Recipes header bar) or scroll down the window to see the Menus and Personal Menus sections. Also, the Menus and Personal Menus sections will need to be expanded by clicking their respective header bars.
Procurement - displays the verified vendor products the prepared food is linked to.
- For an item you want to add, click its + icon. You can repeat the above steps to add other items. Each time an item is added, the Food to Add section refreshes with a sub-section of the added item.
- When ready, click the Add button to add the items to the allergen group. The pop-up closes and the newly-added food item is listed an an allergen.
- Close the slide-out panel.
Removing Food Items from an Allergen Group
If your account added a food item to an allergen group (explained above), then you also have the ability to remove that food item from the allergen group. To do so, complete the following steps:
Search for the desired allergen group and click it to open its slide-out panel (screenshot below).
- To remove an item click its remove symbol (
- If removing multiple items, you can select the check box of each item to be removed and then click the Remove button. When removing multiple items, a confirmation dialog box appears prompting you to type the name of the allergen group and then click Delete.
- Close the slide-out panel.