- About Customizing a Master Recipe
- Customizable Fields of a Master Recipe
- Reverting to Master
- Tutorial Video - Customizing Master Recipes (3:29)
About Customizing a Master Recipe
Certain details of a master recipe can be customized to your account without the need to copy the master recipe to your account.
When you open a recipe that is a master recipe, the fields that can be customized are identified with a blue border. If a field has a grey border, that field cannot be customized.
Customizable Fields of a Master Recipe
The customizable fields of a master recipe are as follows:
- Display Name - the display name is the user-facing name that is available on menus. The display name does not have to be unique (i.e., other recipes can have the same display name).
- Description - enter a description that will appear on menus and reports.
- Image - click the image icon to upload a photo for the recipe. The image will appear in the Touch app and can be included on the following reports:
- Tags - you can apply IDDSI, diet order, and custom tags to the recipe, which will print with a recipe report and allow for identification and search purposes in the system. To apply a tag, click Add/Edit Tags and the Add Tags window appears for you to select the desired tags.
- Include in scaled recipes and cookbooks - selected by default. Clear this check box if you do not want the recipe to appear in the Scaled Recipes Report (Recipes), the Recipes at Scale Report (Production), and the Recipe Cookbook Report (Menus). Note that if this check box is cleared, the recipe will still print on your other production reports so that you would know the total that needs to be prepared.
- Portion Size Description - you can enter a description of what the portion size consists of, which can be useful in a production kitchen. For example, the portion size of a ham and cheese sandwich can be described as follows: “2 slices of bread, 1 oz of meat, and 1 oz of cheese”.
- Serving Utensil - select any serving utensil to accompany the recipe.
- Pull value for an ingredient - the value in days of when the item needs to be pulled in advance of being used in the recipe. For example, a pull value will need to be entered for frozen chicken.
- Likes & Dislikes - manually add the recipe to a Likes & Dislikes group.
To apply your changes, click the Save button at the top of the recipe slide-out panel.
Reverting to Master
When you edit an customizable field in a master recipe, it appears with a “revert to master” icon (below), which indicates the field has been edited, and can be clicked to revert the field back to the original.