- About Bulk Editing of Recipes
- What Can I Bulk Edit?
- How to Bulk Edit Multiple Recipes
- Example Scenario of Effectively Using Bulk Edit
- Tutorial Video - Bulk Edit of Multiple Recipes (2:38)
About Bulk Editing of Recipes
You can perform a “bulk edit” of certain fields on multiple recipes. By using the filters to locate specific recipes and setting preferred columns on the recipe listing screen, you can quickly select the desired recipes and make and verify changes via the bulk edit feature (see the Example Scenario of Effectively Using Bulk Edit below for more information).
What Can I Bulk Edit?
The fields that you can edit when doing a bulk edit depend if you are editing master recipes or recipes owned by your MealSuite account.
If Bulk Editing Master Recipes
If bulk editing master recipes, you can edit the following:
- Publish or unpublish the selected recipes.
- Likes & Dislikes groups
- Serving utensil
- Tags
- Business lines of the recipe (assuming your MealSuite account has more than one business line).
If Bulk Editing Recipes Owned by Your Account
If bulk editing recipes owned by your account, you can edit the following:
- Publish or unpublish the selected recipes
- Recipe box - not available if any of the selected recipes are type "prepared foods". Recipes of type prepared foods can be seen on the recipe screen by displaying the Recipe Box column. Alternatively, you can hide prepared foods that are recipes by selecting the Hide Prepared Foods filter from the display options.
- Recipe categories
- Holding temperature
- Hold time
- Cook method
- Likes & Dislikes groups
- Serving utensil
- Tags
- Business lines (assuming your MealSuite account has more than one business line)
- Delete recipes
- If the selected recipes are owned by your account or your child accounts, then the Owner field is editable for you to change the owner of the recipes. When an account is an owner, then it and its child accounts will have access to that recipe (see About Recipe Ownership for more information). Note: If any recipe is currently in use by an account, and you attempt to change the owner to a sister or child account of that account, then the following message appears: “Some recipes are currently in use by some accounts. Changing the recipe owner to a sister or child account would cause data errors impacting accounts currently using the recipe(s)." The message will also display a list of the affected accounts.
How to Bulk Edit Multiple Recipes
- Select Recipes > Recipes Listing. The Recipe Listing screen appears.
- Use the filters and search tool to customize the recipe list displayed onscreen.
- For each recipe to be edited, select its check box on the left.
- Click the Bulk Edit button. The Bulk Edit Recipes window appears (screenshot below).
- Enter your changes and then click the Apply Changes button.
- Click Confirm to the confirmation message that appears.
Example Scenario of Effectively Using Bulk Edit
The scenario below demonstrates how to effectively use the bulk edit feature by selecting multiple soup recipes and assigning them the 6z ladle as the serving utensil. Note: Right-click an image to open and expand in a new tab.
- For the Recipe Box filter, select Soups.
- For the Search by Menu filter, select the desired menu.
- For the preferred columns, select the Serving Utensil column. This will allow you to quickly identify what recipes require the 6z ladle as the serving utensil.
- Select the check boxes of the recipes to edit, and click Bulk Edit. The Bulk Edit window appears.
- From the Serving Utensil field, select the 6z Ladle.
- Click Apply Changes to apply the changes. The recipes now all have the 6z Ladle as their serving utensil.