- Prerequisite Step: Ensure Production Areas Exist in Core System
- Adding a KMS Location
- Adding KMS Food Preparation Stations to a KMS Location
- Configuring Orders to be Sent to a KMS Location
Prerequisite Step: Ensure Production Areas Exist in Core System
Configuring a KMS location involves associating its production and coordinator stations with production areas in the core system. A production area is where menu items are assigned to upon ordering. For example, a “hot” production area to prepare cooked items and a “cold” production area to prepare non-cooked items items. Therefore, before configuring a KMS, ensure your production areas are first set up in your account.
Adding a KMS Location
To add a new KMS location, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, click KMS Locations. The KMS Locations screen appears.
- Click the Add a Location button. The Add a KMS Location screen appears.
- In the Name field, enter a name for the KMS location. Ensure to enter a name that will be recognizable to the servers who are setting up instant ordering on the Touch app. When setting up instant orders, the server will select the KMS location (i.e., Meal Assembly location) to send orders to, as per screenshot below.
- If the station(s) for the KMS location will be configured for screens, then you can set a warning time (onscreen timer flashes yellow) and a danger time (onscreen timer flashes red) for a meal course when that course is taking too long to prepare (assuming your POS location is enabled with meal courses).
- In the Warning Time in Seconds field for a course, enter the amount of time in seconds that will pass before the timer starts flashing red to indicate the danger time for the course.
- In the Danger Time in Seconds field for a course, enter the amount of time in seconds that will pass before the timer starts flashing red to indicate the danger time for the course.
- If your POS location is not enabled with meal courses, or for settings without a POS system (i.e., instant orders and advanced orders only), then you can instead set the warning time and danger time for the ticket.
- In the Warning Time in Seconds field for Course 1, enter the amount of time in seconds that will pass before the timer starts flashing yellow to indicate the warning time for the ticket.
- In the Danger Time in Seconds field for Course 1, enter the amount of time in seconds that will pass before the timer starts flashing red to indicate the danger time for the ticket.
- If the station(s) for the KMS location will print tickets, then you have the option of printing nutrient details on the tickets in the Nutrient Templates section (screenshot below). This will first involve creating the nutrient templates (order analyzer template and nutrient summary template) and then selecting where to apply the templates (TSS orders and AO orders). For more information see the Nutrients section.
- Click the Create button. You are returned to the KMS Locations screen where the newly-added location appears.
- Your next steps are to add the food preparation stations (aka KMS stations). See Adding Food Preparation Stations to a KMS Location.
Editing a KMS Location
- In Touch Admin, click KMS Locations. The KMS Locations screen appears.
- For the KMS location you want to edit, click its Edit button. The Edit a KMS Location screen appears.
- Make your edits as needed, and then click the Update button.
Deleting a KMS Location
- In Touch Admin, click KMS Locations. The KMS Location screen appears.
- For the KMS location you want to delete, click its Delete button.
- Click OK to the confirmation message that appears.
Adding KMS Food Preparation Stations to a KMS Location
After a KMS location is added, you can add its food preparation stations (production stations, coordinator station, expeditor (or expo) station), explained in the instructions below. (For more information on food preparation stations, click here.)
To add a food preparation station to a KMS location, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, click KMS Locations. The KMS Locations screen appears.
- Click the Manage Stations button for the KMS location, and its specific screen appears.
- Click the Add a Station button. The Add a KMS Station screen appears.
In the Name field, enter a name for the station.
- From the Type drop-down, select the station type (click here for more details on station types):
- Production - designates the station as a production station. A production screen shows tickets with items from production areas selected in the Production Areas Assigned section below (step 8). Bumping a ticket off its screen also removes it from the coordination station screen.
- Coordinator - designates the station as a coordinator station. A coordinator screen shows tickets with items from the production areas selected in the Production Areas Assigned section below (step 8). Bumping a ticket off its screen also removes it from the production station screen.
Expo - designates the station as an expo (expeditor) station. An expo shows tickets from all stations combined. Note the following:
- Bumping a ticket off its screen also removes it from the production and coordinator station screens.
- When a ticket is bumped from another station screen, the items in the ticket on the expo station are highlighted green.
- From the Hardware Configuration drop-down, select the hardware that the station supports:
- Screen - station is designated as a touchscreen only. This means a touchscreen running the Touch app can be used to view and manage tickets on the station.
- Screen & Printer - the station is designated as a display screen and also supports a printer. A touchscreen running the Touch app can be used to view and manage tickets on the station. Tickets print on the printer selected in the Printer drop-down.
Printer Only - station only supports a printer; tickets print on the printer selected in the Printer drop-down.
- Enter or select the following settings as needed (the available settings depend on the Type selected in step 5 and the Hardware Configuration selected in step 6):
Default Fallback Station (when no others match production areas) - designates the station as “the fallback station”, which will display the following items:
- A menu item that is not assigned to a production area.
- A menu item is assigned to a production area, but that production area is not associated with a station (as per step 8 below)
Note that only one station in the KMS can be designated as the default fallback station.
Force Entree to be at top of ticket when present - menu items of the Entree category print at the top of the ticket.
If this station is associated with a dedicated printer, select it here to be the default device -select the printer to be used. Note that printers are added via Hardware Devices > Printer (see Installing and Configuring a Printer).
Print two tickets for each order - the station will automatically print a duplicate ticket when the ticket is printed. The duplicate ticket is indicated as such with DUPLICATE COPY text at the bottom of the ticket.
Print preference
- Print Immediately - a ticket prints immediately when it comes in, as well as displaying on the station screen.
Print on Bump - a ticket only prints when it is bumped off the screen.
- Allow future preview - not applicable (legacy function)
Allow early fire - not applicable (legacy function)
Display Profile, Meal and Daily Notes on screen by default - with this option selected, then any profile notes and service notes (i.e., daily notes and individual meal period notes) are displayed on the ticket.
If an EXPO, filter by production areas? - if the station is an expo station (selected in 5 above), then selecting this setting allows you filter what menu items display on the expo station. Filtering the items to display on the expo station is done by selecting the menu items' associated production areas in the Production Areas Assigned section below (step 8).
Note: If the If an EXPO, filter by production areas? option is not selected, then the expo station shows items from all production areas!
Do not display portion size on KMS screen or printed tickets - hides portion sizes on the KMS screen and printed tickets.
- Do not display Diet Order on KMS screen or printed tickets (this setting also includes diet interventions) - hides diet orders on the KMS screen and printed tickets.
Default Fallback Station (when no others match production areas) - designates the station as “the fallback station”, which will display the following items:
The Production Areas Assigned section lists the production areas in your core system for you to assign to the station, which in turn determine the items fired to the station. Note the following:
- A production station can be associated with one, some or all your production areas.
- A production station cannot share the same production area(s) as another production station.
- A coordinator station can be associated with one, some or all your production areas.
- A coordinator station cannot share the same production area(s) as another coordinator station.
- Click the Create [Station Type] Station button to apply your changes.
- Repeat the above steps to add other stations.
Editing a KMS Food Preparation Station
- In Touch Admin, click KMS Locations. The KMS Locations screen appears.
- Click the Manage Stations button for the KMS location. The stations for the KMS location are listed.
- Click the Edit button of the station you want to edit.
- Make your edits as needed. Rather than repeat the instructions here, the same instructions can be found in the Adding KMS Food Preparation Stations steps above, starting at step 4.
- Click the Update Production Station button to apply your changes.
Deleting a KMS Food Preparation Station
- In Touch Admin, click KMS Locations. The KMS Locations screen appears.
- Click the Manage Stations button for the KMS location. The stations for the KMS location are listed.
- For the station you want to delete, click its Delete button.
- Click OK to the confirmation message that appears.
Configuring Orders to be Sent to a KMS Location
See the following articles to select a KMS Location for orders to be sent to:
Note that for instant orders, the server will select the KMS location when setting up instant ordering in the Touch app. As such, instant orders do not need to be configured with a KMS location in the Touch Admin software.