- Entering Service Notes for a Person
- Entering Profile Notes for a Person
- Adding a Personal Note to a Menu Item
- Adding a Note to a Personal Menu Item
- Removing a Note from a Menu Item
Entering Service Notes for a Person
The Service Notes section (screenshot below) of a person’s profile allows you to enter the following types of notes:
- Daily
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- Dinner
- Snack AM
- Snack PM
- Snack HS
These notes will print on people reports to aid your servers when they are serving the residents/patients. For example, assume the person requires a lip plate when being served, then in the Daily field, you would enter “Lip Plate”. Assume at dinner they prefer their food cut up, then in the Dinner field you would enter “Cut up food”.
The limit for a service note is 100 characters.
Entering Profile Notes for a Person
The Profile Notes section (screenshot below) of a person’s profile allows you to add notes about the patient/resident that does not relate to their meal service. For example, a note about a nutrition assessment being completed on a specific date.
There is no character limit for a profile note.
After adding the note, click Save at the top of the panel. A timestamp is applied to the note along with the username of the person who added note.
In addition, if your account utilizes a MealSuite Connect interface to an EHR, then any profile notes included in a message from the EHR are added to the Profile Notes section.
The most recent profile note is displayed at the top of the list.
About Profile Notes Automatically Added from PointClickCare® (PCC)
When processing a diet order message from the Connect interface to PCC, and the message contains additional directions, then the profile note is caveated with the text: PCC diet order additional directions followed by the directions, so as to clearly indicate that the message is from PCC. For example, PCC diet order additional directions: Make Hot 100 degree for Foods.
If a subsequent diet order message is received, and there are no additional directions in the new message (but in a previous message there were additional directions), then the word "None" is displayed after the PCC diet order additional direction text to indicate that the previous message no longer applies.
Displaying Profiles Notes on the Touch App Ordering Screen and Tickets
To have profile notes appear on the Touch app ordering screen and tickets, please reach out to MealSuite Support. If you are MealSuite Support, reference the following internal article: Including Profile Notes on Touch Screen and Tickets.
Adding a Personal Note to a Menu Item
A personal note can be added to a menu item for a person via the person’s personal menu. This personal note will print on people reports and production reports.
For example, if coffee is a regular menu item served to your residents each morning, and a resident prefers their coffee in a foam cup with lid, you can add the note “In foam cup + lid” to the coffee menu item via that person’s personal menu.
To add a personal note to a menu item for a person, complete the following steps:
- Open the person’s personal menu.
- Click on the item you want to add a note for. The Customize pop-up window appears.
- Click the note icon. The Note pop-up appears.
- Enter your note and click Save. The item appears with a note icon.
Reading a Personal Note for a Menu item
A menu item that has a personal note appears with the note icon in the person’s personal menu, as per screenshot below.
To read the personal note for an item:
- Open the person’s personal menu.
- Click the menu item and the Customize pop-up appears.
- Click the note icon and the item’s note pop-up appears with the personal note.
Another means to read the personal note for an item is to click the settings tool at top right corner (first screenshot below), and the customization slide-out panel appears, which displays any items with personal notes (second screenshot below).
Adding a Note to a Personal Menu Item
A personal menu item is an offering specific to a person’s personal menu. Adding a note to a personal item is an optional step that can be done when going through the steps to add a personal item to a person’s personal menu. If a note wasn’t added during the steps to add a personal item, then this can be done after the personal item has been added via the following steps:
- Open the person’s personal menu.
- Click the personal item (a personal item appears blue text; first screenshot below). The Personal Menu Item pop-up appears (second screenshot below).
- Enter the note in the Item Note field and click Save to apply your changes.
Reading a Note for a Personal Menu Item
To read a note that was added for a person's personal menu item, do the following:
- Open the person’s personal menu.
- Click the personal item (a personal item appears in blue text). The Personal Menu Item pop-up appears (screenshot below). If the personal item has a note, then that note appears in the Item Note field.