The People Listing Screen
Working with Resident/Patient Profiles
- Adding and Editing Resident/Patient Profiles - Video Tutorial (9:37)
- Opening a Resident/Patient Profile
- Manually Creating a Resident/Patient Profile
- Assigning Room and Bed to a Resident/Patient
- Managing a Resident's Seating Arrangement
- Printing a Meal Ticket or Menu for a Resident/Patient
Assigning or Changing Diet Order
- Assigning Diet Order (Diet Type, Texture Type, Fluid Type) to Person
- Assigning a Liquid Diet, Tube Feeding Diet, or No Menu (NPO) Diet
- Implementing a Fluid Restriction for a Resident/Patient
- FAQs: Diet Orders for Residents/Patients
- Assigning a Temporary Diet Order to Person
- Invalid Diet Orders
Personal Menus
- Opening a Personal Menu and Working in the Personal Menu Screen
- Personal Menu Legend
- FAQs: Personal Menus
- Adding a Personal Menu Item
- Marking a Food as a "Like" Preference
- Marking a Food as a "Dislike" Preference
Removing Items from Service via Allergen or Do Not Serve
- About Removing Items From Service
- Assigning Allergens to a Person
- Marking an Individual Item as Do Not Serve
- Marking a Meal Period or Snack Time as Do Not Serve
- Marking a Menu Category of a Meal Period or Snack Time as Do Not Serve
- Marking a Likes & Dislikes Group as Do Not Serve
Diet Interventions
- About Diet Interventions
- Video Tutorial - Diet Interventions (4:25)
- Viewing Diet Interventions Available to Your Account
- Assigning a Diet Intervention to a Resident/Patient
- Creating a Diet Intervention
- Adding a Personal Menu Item to a Diet Intervention
Service Types (Table Select, Advanced Ordering, Non-Select)
Adaptive Aides (Equipment) and Supplements
People Reports
- Summary of the People Reports
- Allowing Pop-Ups for your People Reports
- Selecting Residents/Patients to be Included in Reports
- Generating a People Report
- People Reports - Video Tutorial (11:32)
- General FAQs for all People Reports