Rooms and beds in your account are created and configured in Tools & Setup > Facility Builder (see Residence Areas). The rooms and beds are then available to be assigned to a resident/patient profile.
Automatically Assigning Rooms and Beds
If your account utilizes a MealSuite Connect interface to an EHR, then the interface automatically assigns people to the rooms/beds set up in your MealSuite account.
Manually Assigning Room and Bed to a Person
You also have the ability to manually assign a resident to a room/bed via their profile. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Open the person’s profile.
- In the Personal Information section, click into the Room field and select the desired room and bed from the facility hierarchal list.
You can also search by any details of the facility hierarchy (building | area | floor | room | bed) by typing those details in the Search field.
A bed that is currently occupied features the bed icon. Hovering your cursor over a bed icon displays the name of the occupant. You can assign a person to a currently-occupied bed.
The double bed icon indicates that more than one occupant is assigned to the bed. Hovering your cursor over the icon displays the names of the occupants.
- Click Save at the top right of the panel to apply your changes.