Assigning a Liquid Diet
When a person is assigned a liquid diet, the items available to them on their personal menu are pulled from the scheduled liquid menu (along with any personal menu items). To assign a liquid diet:
- Open the person's profile.
- From the Diets field, select the appropriate liquid diet category: Clear Liquid or Full Liquid.
- When a person is assigned a liquid diet, then the Texture field is automatically changed and locked to Liquid.
Assigning a Tube Feeding Diet
A tube feeding diet is not associated with any menus, and therefore no menu items will appear in the resident/patient's personal menu, and the resident/patient will be skipped on certain people reports (e.g., tray menu tickets, person-specific select menus). To assign a tube feeding diet:
- Open the person's profile.
- From the Diets field, select Tube Feeding.
- When a person is assigned a tube feeding diet, the Texture field and Fluid field change to NPO (as per screenshot below).
Assigning Personal Items to Person with Tube Feeding Diet
If it is decided that a person with a tube feeding diet can have something by mouth, then you can do so by adding personal items to their personal menu. However, for the system to allow you to add personal items to their personal menu, you must first select the person's appropriate texture type and fluid type from the Texture and Fluid fields, respectively, as per screenshot below.
The selected texture type and fluid type will also be included on the various reports so that serving staff know the type of food or liquid the resident or patient can have by mouth.
Assigning a No Menu (NPO) Diet
When a resident/patient is on an NPO diet, no menu items will appear in the resident/patient's personal menu, and the resident/patient will be skipped on certain people reports (e.g., tray menu tickets, person-specific select menus).
To assign an NPO diet:
- Open the person's profile.
- From the Diets field, select NPO.
- When a person is assigned an NPO diet, the Texture and Fluid fields automatically change and are locked to NPO.
Note: The NPO option is not available for selection from the Texture and Fluid fields. You must select an NPO from the Diets field.