- Creating Diet Interventions for Fluid Restrictions
- Do Not Use the "Fluid Restriction" Option from the Fluid Drop-Down
Creating Diet Interventions for Fluid Restrictions
A fluid restriction for a resident/patient restricts their fluid intake to a measured limit. For example, 1500 ml/day.
The method to put a resident/patient on a fluid restriction is by customizing the resident/patient's personal menu to restrict the fluid quantity, which in turn can efficiently be accomplished by using a diet intervention.
For each fluid restriction level that is ordered at your facility, create a corresponding diet intervention as follows (see Creating a Diet Intervention):
- Name the diet intervention for the fluid restriction level. For example "1500 ml/day".
- Select all diet/texture type combinations for the diet intervention (so that it is available to any resident/patient assigned that diet/texture type combination).
- Add the "standard" customizations that are applicable for the fluid restriction level. For example, on a strict fluid restriction, you can remove the menu category Juice at breakfast (via the "do not serve" customization), while on a less strict fluid restriction, you can serve a half-portion of the Juice category at breakfast (via the serving size adjustment customization).
Note: Your facility may prefer to directly customize a resident/patient's personal menu rather than using a diet intervention. If so, then the diet intervention is still required, but it can remain blank (i.e., without customizations), and as such will be name-only for identification purposes on tickets/menus.
Assigning a Fluid Restriction Diet Intervention to a Resident/Patient
With the fluid restriction diet intervention created, you can then assign it to the resident/patient (see Assigning a Diet Intervention to a Resident/Patient).
Printing Name of Fluid Restriction Diet Intervention on Tickets/Menus
The diet intervention name can be printed on the following people reports (by selecting the Diet Intervention check box) to inform staff of the fluid restriction for the resident/patient:
- Tray Card Ticket Report (People) - lists Dietary Needs (no Food)
- Tray Menu Tickets Report (People) - for Non-Select & Advance Ordering
- Person-Specific Select Menus Report (People) - for Table Select & Advance Ordering (screenshot below)
- Snack Delivery Worksheet (People)
- Stickers (People) - for Personal Items, Snacks or Identification
Do Not Use the "Fluid Restriction" Option from the Fluid Drop-Down
When assigning a fluid diet type to a resident/patient, the Fluid Restriction option may be available from the Fluid drop-down (screenshot below).
DO NOT USE the Fluid Restriction option! The Fluid Restriction option currently serves no function. It was carried over from the legacy system, and as such will be removed from accounts it is currently available in.