- About the Fluid Substitution Grid
- Video Tutorial - Fluid Substitution Grid (3:18)
- Determining Recipes to Display in Fluid Substitution Grid
- Display Options
- Scrolling Through Recipes
- Working in a Fluid Substitution Grid Cell
- Extending Regular Recipe Across all Fluid Types
- Applying “Do Not Serve” Across all Fluid Types
- Copying and Pasting a Whole Fluid Type Column
- Exporting Fluid Substitution Grid
- Printing the Fluid Substitution Grid
- Removing Recipe from Fluid Substitution Grid
- Reverting Recipe to Parent
- Removing a Fluid Type from the Fluid Substitution Grid
- FAQs
About the Fluid Substitution Grid
The Fluid Substitution Grid screen (Tools & Setup > Fluid Sub Grid) displays the fluid recipes that have been extended with fluid recipe substitutes across the fluid types (honey thick, nectar thick, etc.). You can edit the existing substitutes as needed, add new recipes and their fluid recipe substitutes, and export the grid to an Excel spreadsheet.
- The regular fluid recipes are displayed as rows.
- The fluid types (honey thick, nectar thick, etc.) are displayed as columns for you to assign the substitute fluid recipes for the regular recipes. The fluid types that are available are set via the Diet Order Settings screen. A substitute fluid recipe assigned to a fluid type is then available to a person who has been assigned that fluid type in their profile.
- If a fluid substitution grid cell is grey, it indicates that it is currently unpublished, which means the person cannot be assigned that fluid type. However, the cell remains available to assign substitute fluid recipes. Note that fluid types are published via the Diet Order Settings screen.
- If a parent account unpublishes a fluid type, then in the fluid substitution grid of a child account, the Set Extension drop-down is not available for that fluid substitution grid cell.
- If a parent account adds a fluid recipe, it is added to any child accounts.
Why Does a Fluid Type Have a Blue Header?
The parent-child account hierarchy structure in the Mealsuite system allows fluid types owned by a parent account to assign maintenance responsibility of those fluid types to their child accounts.
What this means is that the parent account will no longer be responsible for extending to those fluid types when extending a recipe with fluid recipes. Instead, the responsibility for extending fluid recipes to those fluid types will be with each child account.
When a child account has been assigned maintenance responsibility for a fluid type, then the header of such a fluid type is highlighted blue in the fluid substitution grid (screenshot below).
Warning! For fluid types that continue to be maintained by your parent account, it is still the responsibility of your facility to review the substitute fluid recipes for these fluid types to make sure the substitute fluid recipes are appropriate for your facility standards that you have for fluid types.
See also: Maintenance Responsibility of Fluid Types.
Video Tutorial - Fluid Substitution Grid (3:18)
Determining Recipes to Display in Fluid Substitution Grid
The filters works in conjunction with the search tool to determine the recipes displayed in the grid.
- Words entered in the Search field will return all recipes that have the same words in their system names.
- The various filters from the Filters section allow you to narrow down the recipes depending on your inputted criteria. For example, you can view recipes associated with the menu category of soup. The following filters are available:
- Menus
- Menu Categories
- Food Types
- Recipe Categories
- Recipe Box
- Include Personal Menu Items - displays personal items that are on personal menus.
- Display Sub Needed Only - displays specific substitutes and fallback substitutes that are on personal menus.
Display Options
The display options are available from the monitor icon at the top right to allow you to select what is displayed on the grid.
- Displayed Name Type - shows recipes by their display name (i.e., user-facing name) or lookup name (i.e., system name).
- Sort By - sort the recipes alphabetically or by recipe category.
- Show Portion Sizes - displays portion sizes to the left of each recipe in a fluid substitution grid cell.
- Show Tags - displays the fluid tags assigned to a recipe.
When you select a display option, the system keeps that option selected the next time you visit the screen.
Scrolling Through Recipes
The total recipes in the fluid substitution grid are listed at the top right of the screen. You can scroll through the grid pages by clicking the forward and back arrows.
Working in a Fluid Substitution Grid Cell
The Set Extension drop-down for a cell has the following options:
Serve Regular Recipe
Selecting this option serves one portion size of the regular recipe for the fluid type.
Serve Existing Recipe
Selecting this option opens the Search Substitute window for you to search for and select an appropriate substitute fluid recipe for the fluid type.
Do Not Serve
Select this option if nothing is offered as a substitute for the regular item. On the personal menu, "No Fluid Substitute" will display for the item, and the reports will display "Not Specified" for that item.
Changing Cell to a Different Option
To change a cell to a different option after an option has been selected for it:
- Click anywhere in the cell. The Edit Extension popup window appears.
- From the Change to drop-down, select the desired option.
- Click the Update Extension button to apply your changes.
Updating Portion Size
For a cell that has been set with a fluid recipe, you can change the portion size.
- Click anywhere in the cell. The Edit Extension popup window appears.
- Enter the portion size in the Change Portion Size field.
- Click the Update Extension button to apply your changes.
Extending Regular Recipe Across all Fluid Types
To extend a regular recipe across all fluid types, click the grey check mark of that regular recipe. The check mark turns green to indicate that the regular recipe is applied across all fluid types.
Applying “Do Not Serve” Across all Fluid Types
To apply ”Do Not Serve” across all fluid types for a regular recipe, click the grey x of the regular recipe. The x turns red to indicate that “Do Not Serve” is applied across all fluid types for that recipe.
Copying Fluid Substitution Grid Cells
Copying a Single Fluid Substitution Grid Cell
If a fluid recipe in a fluid substitution grid cell is appropriate for another cell, you can copy the cell by clicking and holding it, and then pasting it to the other cell by dragging it to that cell.
Copying and Pasting a Whole Fluid Row
To copy the cells of a whole fluid row and paste it to another fluid row:
- For the fluid row to be copied, click its black clipboard icon (
) The row is highlighted blue to indicate that the cells are copied. If you wanted to clear the copy, just click the clipboard icon again.
- For the row to be pasted with the copied cells, clicks its black clipboard icon (
- Repeat step 2 for other rows to be pasted with the copied cells.
Copying and Pasting a Whole Fluid Type Column
To copy the cells of a whole fluid type column and paste it to another fluid type column:
- For the fluid type row to be copied, click its white clipboard icon (
). The column is highlighted blue to indicate that the cells are copied. If you wanted to clear the copy, just click the clipboard icon again.
- For the column to be pasted with the copied cells, clicks its white clipboard icon (
- Repeat step 2 for other columns to be pasted with the copied cells.
Click "Save Fluid Grid" Button to Apply Changes
After working in the fluid substitution grid, ensure to click the Save Fluid Grid button at the top of the screen to apply your changes.
Exporting Fluid Substitution Grid
Click the Export button to export the fluid substitution grid to an Excel® spreadsheet.
Printing the Fluid Substitution Grid
Your fluid substitution grid can be exported as an Excel® file, which can then be printed. Click the Export button to export as an Excel file, and then open the file to print it.
Removing Recipe from Fluid Substitution Grid
When you remove a recipe from the fluid substitution grid, the recipe loses its fluid substitute recipes. If the account is a parent account that removes the recipe, the recipe will also be removed from the fluid substitution grid for all child accounts. To remove a recipe from the fluid substitution grid, click its Remove icon and click OK to the confirmation message that appears.
Reverting Recipe to Parent
If a child accounts sets fluid type substitutes for a recipe that was added by the parent account, a revert to master icon exists to revert the fluid type substitutes to the parent account settings.
Removing a Fluid Type from the Fluid Substitution Grid
If a fluid type is unpublished in the system, it can be removed from the fluid substitution grid via the Diet Orders Setting screen (Tools & Setup > Diet Orders). See the following article for specific instructions:
Hiding/Showing an Unpublished Fluid Type on Recipe Fluid Substitution Grids.
How do I add a new fluid type to use in my fluid substitution grid?
A new fluid type can be requested from the MealSuite Nutrition Services team. See the following article: Requesting a New Diet Type, Texture Type or Fluid Type.
I don't see a fluid type on a fluid substitution grid?
If you do not see a fluid type on a fluid substitution grid, it indicates that it is configured to be hidden from fluid substitution grids.
To show a fluid type on fluid substitution grids, open the fluid type and select its Include in Fluid Sub Grid check box (screenshot below). Click here for specific instructions on showing/hiding a fluid type on fluid substitution grids.
More Info: A fluid type can be configured to be hidden from fluid substitution grids only if the fluid type is unpublished. A fluid type is unpublished to prevent it from being assigned to residents/patients, but can still be available in fluid substitution grids to allow you to extend the recipe with fluid recipe substitutes.