Creating a diet intervention first involves creating the diet intervention record, explained below, and then adding the desired customization types to it (explained in separate instructions). To create a diet intervention record, complete the following steps
- Select Tools & Setup > Diet Orders. The Diet Order Setting screen appears.
- Select the Interventions tab. The Interventions screen appears, listing any existing interventions.
- Click the Add New Intervention button. The New Diet Intervention slide-out panel appears.
- Enter the following:
- Name - enter the name of the intervention.
- Display Name - enter a user-friendly name for the intervention. This name will appear on people reports and in the Standard Diet Intervention field on a person’s profile.
Description - enter a description for the diet intervention.
- The next steps are to select the diet type and texture type combinations the intervention is valid for by selecting the desired combinations on the grid. When doing so, note the following:
- Do not select a diet type that is contradictory to the purpose of the intervention. For example, if you have a “Low Sodium” diet intervention, then it would be contradictory to apply it to the "No Added Salt" diet type because that diet type exists to support recipes with no added salt (via a recipe's diet order extension grid). As another example, if you have a “No Pork or Beef” diet intervention, then it would be contradictory to apply it to the "Vegetarian" diet type because that diet type exists to support recipes with no meat (via a recipe's diet order extension grid).
- The regular diet type/regular texture type is selected by default.
- You can select a whole diet type row or a whole texture type column by clicking the respective header.
- If a diet/texture combination square is grey, it indicates that that diet/texture combination is not published in your account. However, you can still select the combination to be included in the menu report by clicking the square.
- If the text is white, it indicates the diet/texture combination is selected.
- If the text is black, it indicates the diet/texture combination is not selected.
- Click Save to save the diet intervention record.
- The next steps are to add the customization(s) to the intervention. Depending on the customization types you want to add, refer to the appropriate instructions below: