- What is a Fallback Substitute?
- Adding a Fallback Substitute
- Tutorial Video - Fallback Substitutes (2:57)
- Removing a Fallback Substitute from a Personal Menu
What is a Fallback Substitute?
A fallback substitute is an item added to a person’s personal menu for a specific day, meal service or snack time, and menu category. In the event an item cannot be served, then the fallback substitute will be available. For example, if a person’s mushroom allergen excludes the “Mushroom Cheese Omelet” item from being served, the fallback substitute “Cheese Omelette” is automatically available to be served instead.
Adding a Fallback Substitute
To add a fallback substitute, complete the following steps:
- Open the person’s personal menu.
- At the top right corner, click the settings tool. The customization slide-out panel appears.
- The Diet Order field by default displays the person’s currently-assigned diet order (diet type and texture type), which is indicated by the blue user icon. You can only add a personal item to the person’s currently assigned diet order, so therefore ensure it is selected in the Diet Order field.
For more on what diet orders are displayed in the Diet Order field, see Viewing Personal Menu Customization Grid > Diet Order Field.
- Click the Add New > Fallback Substitute. The Add Fallback Substitute window appears.
- Select the Food & Non-Food Items option and use its associated filters as needed:
- Food Type - filter by recipes and prepared foods.
- Recipe Box - (available only if Recipe is selected from Food Type) - filter by a recipe box label, such as My Recipes.
Categories - filter by food categories (if searching for prepared foods) and recipe categories (if searching for recipes). Note that if searching for both recipes and prepared foods, food categories are listed first in the drop-down, followed by recipe categories.
- Tags - filter by tags applied to recipes and prepared foods.
- Business Lines (exists if your MealSuite account is associated with more than one business line)
My Corporation Items Only (for future use)
As another search option, the Vendor Products option is a means to select a prepared food associated with a vendor product. From the vendor products that are returned from the search results, you then select one, which in turns adds the prepared food item the vendor product is linked with (i.e., vendor product is verified for the prepared food item). In other words, the prepared food item the vendor product is linked with is added, and not the vendor product itself.
- In the Search field, enter the description or ID of the item or product you are searching for and click Go. If results are not being returned, click here for search tips.
- If searching for a vendor product, note the following:
- A blue + indicates the vendor product is linked to a food item.
- A red + indicates the vendor product is not linked to a food item, and therefore cannot be selected. To get a vendor product linked to a food item, see Suggesting a Vendor Product be Linked to a Food Item.
- By clicking the eye icon (
) of an item, a separate window appears with the following tabs:
- Details - displays the recipe details.
- Nutrition Facts - displays the Nutrition Facts label.
Where used (screenshot below) - displays the following sections:
- Recipes - lists any recipes the item is assigned to as an ingredient (i.e., a recipe can be an ingredient itself in a recipe), and lists any recipes the item is assigned to as a therapeutic substitute (i.e., an extended recipe).
- Menus - lists the menus the item is assigned to.
Personal Menus - lists the people profiles who have the recipe added as a personal item to their personal menu.
Note: The Recipes section is displayed first; therefore if you do not see the Menus and Personal Menus sections, then you can either collapse the Recipes section (by clicking the Recipes header bar) or scroll down the window to see the Menus and Personal Menus sections. Also, the Menus and Personal Menus sections will need to be expanded by clicking their respective header bars.
- For an item you want to add, click its + icon. The item appears in the Fallback substitute to Add section.
- Enter or select the following:
- Day - select the days to offer the item.
- Meal - select the meal periods and snack times to offer the item.
- Menu Category - select the menu category or categories the item will be available (e.g., entrée). Note that the categories that are available depend on the meal and snack times that are selected.
- Serving Size - adjust the default serving size if needed.
Item Note - you have option of adding a note for the item, which will be printed on the service report for production staff.
- Click Add to close the window and add the item(s). Note that if the added item conflicts with the person’s dislike group, a message appears stating such and gives you the ability cancel the substitute, or ignore the dislike restriction and apply the substitute.
To see how a fallback substitute item appears on the personal menu view, click here.
Tutorial Video - Fallback Substitutes (2:57)
Removing a Fallback Substitute from a Personal Menu
When a fallback substitute is added, it is then considered a customization in the person's personal menu. Therefore to remove a fallback substitute, the "fallback substitute" personal menu customization will need to be removed. To remove a personal menu customization, see Removing a Personal Menu Customization.