- About Adaptive Aides
- Where are Adaptive Aides Listed in the System?
- How are Adaptive Aides Assigned to a Resident or Patient?
- Adaptive Aides and Production Areas
- FAQs
About Adaptive Aides
Adaptive aides or equipment are to help people with a limited ability to feed themselves, such as divided plate to keep food separated, or a weighted spoon to help eat soup.
Where are Adaptive Aides Listed in the System?
Adaptive aides are listed in the system in the Non-Food Items screen (Recipes > Non-Food Items). For more information see Working with Non-Food Items.
How are Adaptive Aides Assigned to a Resident or Patient?
You assign adaptive aides to a resident or patient as personal items in their personal menu.
Before assigning an adaptive aide as a personal item, it is first recommended to create a menu category of "Adaptive Aides" or "Adaptive Equipment" and assign it to the meal periods and snack times (see Creating a New Menu Category).
Therefore, when adding the aide as a personal item, you can then assign the aide to the "Adaptive Aides" or "Adaptive Equipment" menu category, as per screenshot below. Note that for the Menu Category field to be enabled, you must first select the associated meal periods from the Meal field.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
Printing Adaptive Aides on the Stickers (People) Report
With the "Adaptive Aides" or "Adaptive Equipment" menu category, the Stickers (People) report can be used to print stickers with adaptive aides. The stickers can be placed on the adaptive equipment itself. For instructions, see Generating Supplement and Adaptive Aide Stickers Only.
Printing Adaptive Aides on the Personal Menu Items Report (People)
With an "Adaptive Aides" or "Adaptive Equipment" menu category, the Personal Menu Items Report (People) can be used to list the adaptive aides required. For instructions, see Printing Supplements and Adaptive Aides for the Personal Menu Items Report.
Adaptive Aides and Production Areas
You can create an "Adaptive Aides" or "Adaptive Equipment" production area (see Adding a Production Area), and assign the adaptive aides to it (see Assigning Items to a Production Area), as per screenshot below.
A production report, therefore, can then be filtered on the "Adaptive Aides" or "Adaptive Equipment" production area (screenshot below), to show the equipment and their quantities that needs to be gathered before service begins.
Alternatively, you can choose not to select the "Adaptive Aides" or "Adaptive Equipment" production area to not have the the equipment print in the report.
I found an adaptive aide/equipment that I would like to use, but its name and description are not something our staff are familiar with. Can I change the name and description?
Yes. You can change the name and description of an adaptive aide/equipment. To do so, see the following article: Changing the Display Name and Description of Non-Food Item.
I can't find the adaptive aide/equipment to use?
If you cannot find an adaptive aide/equipment to use (via Recipes > Non-Food Items), you can put in a request to the MealSuite Nutrition Services Team to add the non-food item to the system.
Click here to open the request form and enter the necessary details. For Type, select Non-Food, as per screenshot below. Click Submit when done.