Selecting Residents/Patients to be Included in Reports
There are two methods to select residents/patients to be included in people reports:
- Selecting Residents/Patients via the Reports Screen
- Selecting Residents/Patients via the People Listing Screen
Selecting Residents/Patients via the Reports Screen
Via filtering settings on the People Reports screen (People > Reports), you select the residents/patients to be included in your reports. To do so, complete the following steps:
- Select People > Reports. The People Reports screen appears.
- From the People Groups field, select the people groups that you want to include in your report.
- For the Dining Areas field, you can filter out residents to not generate reports for by selecting only the dining areas you want to generate reports for.
- For the Residence Areas filter, you can filter out residents to not generate reports for by selecting only the residence areas you want to generate reports for.
- The screen refreshes to indicate how many people the system has pulled.
- To further narrow down the system results, click the Edit Selections button and a pop-up appears for you to select/clear the people profiles. Click Save after making your selections.
- The Report screen appears for you to select and configure the reports you want to generate.
Note: If wanting to print a meal ticket or menu for the resident, then select one of the following reports depending on the resident's assigned service type (non-select, advanced ordering, table select):
Selecting Residents/Patients via the People Listing Screen
You can also select the resident/patients to be included in people reports via the People Listing screen. To do so:
- See Opening and Customizing Your People List (via the People Listing Screen).
- Select the check boxes of the residents/patients you want to include in your reports.
- Click the Print button. The Report screen appears for you to select and configure the reports you want to generate.
Note: If wanting to print a meal ticket or menu for the resident, then select one of the following reports depending on the resident's assigned service type (non-select, advanced ordering, table select):