- I click "Generate", but nothing happens?
- I am not seeing all of my residents on a people report?
- How do I print a report/ticket/label for only a single resident/patient?
- What is the "Messages from EHR are unresolved" Text on the People Reports Screen?
- The names of items on my report are different from the names of the items on the personal menus?
- What report prints a list of residents with a specific diet type, texture type or fluid type? For example, I want to see all my lactose free residents?
I click "Generate", but nothing happens?
If you attempt to generate a report, and nothing happens, then that most likely means pop-ups are being blocked on your browser. You can allow pop-ups by clicking the "Pop-up blocked" icon in the browser address bar, as per screenshot below.
If prompted to allow pop-ups, select the "Always allow" option.
To prevent the browser in the first place from blocking pop-ups, you can set up the browser to allow pop-ups. Instructions to do so can be found in the following article: Allowing Pop-Ups on your Browser.
I am not seeing all of my residents on a people report?
The following scenarios can prevent a resident being displayed on a people report:
Off-Premise (LOA) - A person marked off-premise (LOA) will not be included in a report. You can return the person from LOA: see Manually Marking a Person as On-Premise (Return from LOA).
Archived Profiles - A resident will not appear on a people report if that resident profile is archived in the system. To confirm if residents are archived in the system, see Locating Archived Persons. If necessary to unarchive a resident, see Unarchiving a Person.
Note: If your account is connected with your EHR system via a MealSuite Connect interface, then profile updates for a resident in the EHR will be reflected for that person's profile in your MealSuite account. As such, if the resident has a discharge status in the EHR, such as what will occur with a leave of absence (LOA), then Connect will archive that profile in your account.
- Ignored Room - the person can be assigned to an "ignored room". An ignored room is a room that food is not served to (such as an emergency room or outpatient room).
Invalid Diet Order Message - If people selected to be on the report have an invalid diet order, then a message appears indicating such when generating the report. You have the option to resolve the invalid diet orders by going to the people listing screen, or to print the report and exclude profiles with the invalid diet orders.
How do I print a report/ticket/label for only a single resident/patient?
When selecting the people to be in the report, you only select the one person (and no one else).
What is the "Messages from EHR are unresolved" Text on the People Reports Screen?
If a Connect interface message from an EHR contains data in the form of a person, room, allergy or diet order that is not mapped to a corresponding MealSuite entity (person, room, allergy, diet order), then the Connect interface cannot process the message. Such a message is considered unresolved, and as such the following warning message appears in red text on the People Reports screen:
"[X] messages received from [EHR] are currently unresolved due to unknown data in Connect Mapping. This is preventing your people profiles from being updated with the most up-to-date allergen, diet order, or room data. To resolve these messages go to People > Connect and click the Mapping button. For more information, see About Resolving Connect Messages."
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
You can resolve Connect messages on the Connect screen. For more information, see the Resolving Connect Messages chapter.
The names of items on my report are different from the names of the items on the personal menus?
A people report (e.g., tray ticket) generates items using their display names (i.e., user-friendly names). When viewing the personal menu, you have the option of viewing items by their display name or lookup name (i.e., system name). Therefore, if the names are different between a report and the personal menu view, it indicates you are viewing the lookup names in the personal menu.
What report prints a list of residents with a specific diet type, texture type or fluid type? For example, I want to see all my lactose free residents?
You an use the People Roster report, which prints a list of residents with a column each for diet, texture, and fluid type (screenshot below). The report can be sorted by diet order, which first sorts by diet type, then sub-sorts by texture type, then sub-sorts by fluid type, then sub-sorts by last name.
Alternatively, you can open the People Listing screen, and sort by either the Diets, Textures, and Fluid columns, and then export the people list to an Excel® file, from which you can make further edits to remove any information you do not need.