- About Resolving Room Data Mapping Issues
- Reversing a Mapping Option
- Video Tutorial - Room Mapping (2:11)
About Resolving Room Data Mapping Issues
This article explains the options available from the MealSuite Room drop-down field when resolving an unmapped room either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen.
The options from the MealSuite Room drop-down are as follows:
- Mapping to an Existing or New Room
- Creating Multiple Rooms from Multiple Unmapped Rooms
- Ignore Room so as to Not Serve Food to Occupant
- Viewing Profile with an Ignored Room
Mapping to an Existing Room or New Room
When resolving an unmapped room (either from the Connect screen or the People Listing screen), the following options are available from the MealSuite Room drop-down*:
- Map EHR room to existing MealSuite room - select the MealSuite room to map the EHR room to. Note that if a room in the drop-down is in italics, it indicates it is already mapped.
- Create new MealSuite room from EHR room - You can create a new room in MealSuite using the EHR data by selecting Create New Room. When you create a new room, it is entered into your facility builder hierarchy.
*A room can also include a bed assignment.
Creating Multiple Rooms from Multiple Unmapped Rooms
If there are multiple unmapped rooms, then there is the Create All Unknown Rooms button (first screenshot below) to allow MealSuite to automatically create a room for each EHR room. Clicking the button displays the confirmation pop-up to which you must first type Create and then click the Create button (second screenshot below).
Note: Prior to using the Create All Unknown Rooms button, first confirm that no equivalent room already exists in MealSuite. If so, then map the associated EHR room to it. If you do not, then the system will create a duplicate room.
Ignore Room so as to Not Serve Food to Occupant
If the EHR room is a room that you do not serve food to (such as an emergency room or outpatient room), then you can select Ignore Room from the MealSuite Room drop-down, which will apply the Ignored Room status to the person's profile.
When a person has the Ignored Room status, they will not be included in people reports and production reports, and as such are not served during meal periods and snack times.
When selecting the Ignore Room option, the following message appears:
Note the following:
- If a transfer or admit message is received for a person with the Ignored Room status, then the person's status is changed to Active and their room will be updated to the new room.
- Diet order, allergy, and demographic messages for a person with the Ignored Room status will continue to be processed.
- If a person is currently active in the system, and a transfer patient message is received for that person containing a room that is ignored in the MealSuite system, then the person will be put into the Ignored Room status and their room will be updated to the ignored room.
Viewing Profile with an Ignored Room
Note that when viewing the profile of person with the Ignored Room status due to an ignored room, the Room field states as such, as per the screenshot below (right-click image to open and expand in a new tab).
Also note that on the People Listing screen, can easily locate profiles with the Ignored Room status by selecting Ignored Room from the Status filter.
Reversing a Mapping Option
You can always reverse a mapping option that you made above. To do so, see Remapping a Connect Mapping Relationship.