- About the Meal Service Report
- Selecting People to be in the Report
- Report Settings
- Formatting Notes
- FAQs
- Tutorial Video - Meal Service Report (4:52)
About the Meal Service Report
The Meal Service Report lists meal service details for each person selected to be in the report. The report will not list the food items to be served. The report is commonly used if the Tray Menu Ticket Report (People) or Person-Specific Select Menus Report (People) is not used so that serving staff can access meal service details to help residents and patients with their meal choices.
The meal service details the report can contain for a person are as follows:
- Name
- Residence area
- ID (date of birth, client ID or MRN) (option)
- Diet order (diet, texture, fluid)
- Dining area, table and seat (option)
- Allergens
- Resident/patient photos (option)
- Personal menu items (option)
- Serving size adjustments (option)
- Specific substitutes (option
- Fallback substitutes (option)
- Do not serve items (option)
- Likes and dislikes (option)
- Service notes (i.e., daily notes and individual meal period notes) (option)
- Personal notes added to menu items (option)
- Most recent profile note (option)
Selecting People to be in the Report
Select the people to be included in the report via the following separate instructions: Selecting People to be Included in Reports.
Report Settings
After selecting the people to be included in the report, select Meal Service Report (under People Service Reports) from the left side of the screen. The Meal Service Report section appears for you to select the report settings.
Sorting the Meal Service Report
- From the Sort By field, select how you want the Meal Service report to be sorted:
Name - sorts the report alphabetically by last name.
Dining Area - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for dining areas (including residence area enabled as a dining area for in-room service), and sub-sorted by tables, and further sub-sorted by seat number.
Room - sorts the report according to the alphabetical/numerical order of residence areas.
Delivery Sequence - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for room delivery This option would be selected for residents with in-room service.
Name - sorts the report alphabetically by last name.
- The Page Break on Area option is available if sorting by Dining Area, Room or Delivery Sequence. Select this option to generate a page break between dining areas or residence areas.
- The Page Break on Table option is available if sorting by Dining Area. Select this option to generate a page break between tables in a dining area.
Printing a Consolidated Report
When the Preferences & Menu Customization option is selected, the report includes the personal menu customizations listed below for a resident:
- Personal menu items
- Serving size adjustments
- Specific substitutes
- Fallback substitutes
- Do not serve items
Selecting the Consolidated option (first screenshot below) prints the fallback substitutes, serving size adjustments, and personal menu items for all days and meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner), as shown in second screenshot below.
Printing for Specific Days and Meal Periods
When the Preferences & Menu Customization option is selected, the report includes the personal menu customizations listed below for a resident:
- Personal menu items
- Serving size adjustments
- Specific substitutes
- Fallback substitutes
- Do not serve items
Selecting the Day Specific option allows you to select the specific days and meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner) from the Days and Meals fields, respectively. The fallback substitutes, serving size adjustments, and personal menu items for the selected days and meal periods will be printed.
In the example screenshot below, Saturday is selected as the day, and Breakfast and Lunch are selected for the meal periods.
The report therefore generates any fallback substitutes, serving size adjustments, and personal menu items set for Saturday breakfast and lunch.
Options to Include
Service Type - filters the people to be included in the report based on their service types. For example, if you are generating the report for persons with table select service, you would select Table Select.
Highlight Allergies and Non-Regular Diet Orders - highlights in yellow a person’s allergies and non-regular diet types, textures, and fluid types.
Likes & Dislikes - includes a person’s likes and dislikes set up in their personal menu.
Service Notes - includes service notes (i.e., daily notes and individual meal period notes), personal notes for standard menu items, and personal notes for personal menu items.
Most Recent Profile Note - includes the person’s most recent profile note that has been entered for them.
Diner Photos - includes the person's photo at the top right of their meal service details page.
Serving Utensil - ?
Dining Area - this option includes an additional Dining Area section at the top of each person’s profile in the report (screenshot below). The purpose of this section is to quickly capture the reader’s eye if the person is assigned a single dining area (including residence area enabled as a dining area for in-room service) or various dining areas.
- None - does not include a person’s identification information.
- Date of Birth - includes the person’s date of birth.
- Client ID - includes the person’s client ID.
- MRN - includes the person’s MRN (medical record number).
Formatting Notes
If Resident is Assigned Different Texture Types
For a resident assigned different texture types across meal periods, a Texture row is available that indicates what texture type is assigned to what meal period.
If Resident is Assigned Different Dining Areas
For a resident assigned different dining areas, a Dining Area row is available that indicates what dining area is assigned to what meal period and day.

Why is a resident being skipped / not showing up on my Meal Service Report?
The most likely reason is that the resident is assigned a service type that you have not selected to be in the report via the Service Type field (below).
Why is an allergy "unknown"?
When a Connect message contains an unknown allergen from the EHR that remains unresolved (i.e., the EHR allergen is not mapped to a MealSuite allergen group), then the report prefaces the allergy with Unknown:
If there are multiple unknown allergens, then Unknown: is listed once with each unknown allergen listed after.
Why is a diet order in red font?
If the diet order (diet, texture, fluid) for a person is in red font, it indicates that their diet order is invalid, and as such their diet order needs to be resolved. For more information, see Invalid Diet Orders.
Can I sort the report by diet type or texture type?
No. You cannot sort the report by diet type or texture type. The sort options are as follows:
- Name - sorts the report alphabetically by last name.
- Dining Area - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for dining areas (including residence area enabled as a dining area for in-room service), and sub-sorted by tables, and further sub-sorted by seat number.
- Room - sorts the report according to the alphabetical/numerical order of residence areas.
- Delivery Sequence - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for room delivery. This option would be selected for residents with in-room service.