- About the Snack Delivery Worksheet
- Selecting People to be in the Report
- Report Settings
- Tutorial Video - Snack Delivery Worksheet (3:25)
- Snack items are not generating/printing for a resident?
- A resident is being served a snack not on the snack menu?
- An item is showing on the report but I believe should not be due to the person's assigned allergen?
- Why is a Diet Order in Red Font?
- Why is an Allergy "Unknown"?
- Can I sort the Snack Delivery Worksheet by diet type or texture type?
About the Snack Delivery Worksheet
The snack delivery worksheet lists the snacks to be served for each person throughout the day. This worksheet is designed to be used during “snack pass” to inform you of what snacks to deliver. The worksheet lists snacks for each person based on their diet type, any diet restrictions set against the diet type, their allergens, and their personal menu customizations. Any service snack notes that were entered for a person via their profile are also included.
Note: A person marked off-premise will not be included in the report.
Where is the Info Pulled From?
The snacks listed in the worksheet for a person come from a scheduled snack menu that shares the same menu service location of the person's assigned residence area that is enabled as a dining area (by default all residence areas are enabled as a dining area to allow for in-room delivery).
In addition, any items (i.e., personal item, specific substitute or fallback substitute) that have been added to a person's personal menu in a snack time (AM, PM, HS) are also listed in the worksheet.
Selecting People to be in the Report
Select the people to be included in the report via the following separate instructions: Selecting People to be Included in Reports.
Report Settings
After selecting the people to be included in the worksheet, select Snack Delivery Worksheet from the left side of the screen. The Snack Delivery Worksheet section appears for you to select the worksheet settings.
Dates - choose the date range for which to generate the worksheet.
- Today
- Tomorrow
- Next 7 Days
Custom Date Range - displays the From and To calendar fields for you to enter a specific date range.
Snack - select the snack times (snack am, snack pm, snack hs) to generate the worksheet for.
Sort By:
- Name - sorts the report alphabetically by last name.
- Room - sorts the report according to the alphabetical/numerical order of residence areas.
Delivery Sequence - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for room delivery. This option would be selected for residents with in-room service.
Group By (available if more than one snack time is selected in the Snack field and if Room or Delivery Sequence is selected in the Sort By field):
Residence Area - the report is structured by residence areas and the selected snack times. For example, in the screenshots below, "Sunny Area - Snack AM" lists the morning snacks, followed by "Sunny Area - Snack PM" listing the afternoon snacks. Note that the residence areas are sorted on the report according to the selected Sort By option: Room or Delivery Sequence.
Snacks - the report is structured by the selected snack times (Snack AM, Snack PM, Snack HS). For example, in the screenshot below, Snack AM lists the morning snacks, followed by Snack PM listing the afternoon snacks. Note that within each snack time, the snacks are sorted by residence area according to the selected Sort by option: Room or Delivery Sequence.
Residence Area - the report is structured by residence areas and the selected snack times. For example, in the screenshots below, "Sunny Area - Snack AM" lists the morning snacks, followed by "Sunny Area - Snack PM" listing the afternoon snacks. Note that the residence areas are sorted on the report according to the selected Sort By option: Room or Delivery Sequence.
Font Size - select the font size (small (10), medium (12), large (14) ) for the body text in the report.
Highlight Allergies and Non-Regular Diet Orders - highlights in yellow a person’s allergies and non-regular diet types, textures, and fluid types.
Page break on Residence Area (available depending on other options selected) - selecting this check box will generate the report with a page break between each residence area.
Diet Interventions - includes the names of a person’s assigned diet interventions.
- Date of Birth - includes the person's date of birth.
- Client ID - includes the person’s client ID.
- MRN - includes the person’s MRN (medical record number).
None - removes the ID column from the report.
Snack Choices:
- All Choices - All snacks for each choice are listed. Choice 1 items are bolded on the report. The All Choices option is ideal for a select service in which snack options are available for a resident or patient to choose from.
- Single Choice - only a single choice from each menu category is listed. The Single Choice option is ideal for the non-select service in which the listed snacks are delivered to a resident or patient.
Snack items are not generating/printing for a resident?
If snacks are not being generated for a resident, it could be that their assigned residence area is no longer enabled as a dining area. See the following article to re-enable a residence area as a dining area: Re-enabling Residence Area as a Dining Area.
In addition, the residence assigned to the person must also share the same menu service location of the snack menu.
- To see what menu service location a residence area enabled as a dining area is assigned to, see Seeing the Menu Service Location a Dining Area is Assigned To. To change the menu service location of a dining area, see Changing the Menu Service Location (MSL) of a Dining Area.
- To see what menu service location the snack menu is assigned to, see Seeing the Menu Service Location (MSL) a Menu is Assigned To. To change the menu service location of the snack menu, see Changing the Menu Service Location (MSL) of a Menu.
A resident is being served a snack not on the snack menu?
This most likely indicates the resident is on a therapeutic diet order, and as such the system is offering the therapeutic substitute item that has been extended for the regular snack item that is on the menu.
To open, view or change the therapeutic substitutes of an item, see Working in a Menu Item Extension Grid.
To change the diet order for a resident, see Assigning Diet Order (Diet Type, Texture Type, Fluid Type) to Person.
An item is showing on the report but I believe should not be due to the person's assigned allergen?
A recipe (i.e., menu item) is associated with an allergen group via one or more of its ingredients. If an item is not removed from the report that you believe should be removed due to the assigned allergen on the person's profile, then first confirm if the recipe is associated with that allergen group. To do see Viewing Allergens Associated with a Recipe.
If the recipe is associated with a different allergen group than the allergen group currently assigned to the profile, then you can assign the correct allergen group to the profile. See Assigning Allergens to a Person.
If the recipe is not associated with what you believe is the correct allergen group assigned to the profile, then you can associate the recipe to the correct allergen group by adding the affected ingredient to the allergen group. See Adding Food Items to Allergen Group.
Why is a Diet Order in Red Font?
If the diet order (diet, texture, fluid) for a person is in red font, it indicates that their diet order is invalid, and as such their diet order needs to be resolved. For more information, see Invalid Diet Orders.
Why is an Allergy "Unknown"?
When a Connect message contains an unknown allergen from the EHR that remains unresolved (i.e., the EHR allergen is not mapped to a MealSuite allergen group), then the report prefaces the allergy with Unknown:
If there are multiple unknown allergens, then Unknown: is listed once with each unknown allergen listed after.
Can I sort the Snack Delivery Worksheet by diet type or texture type?
No. You cannot sort the Snack Delivery Worksheet by diet type or texture type. The sort options are as follows:
- Name - sorts the report alphabetically by last name.
- Room - sorts the report according to the alphabetical/numerical order of residence areas.
- Delivery Sequence - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for room delivery. This option would be selected for residents with in-room service.