- About the People Roster Report
- Selecting People to be in the Report
- Report Settings
- Why is a Diet Order in Red Font?
About the People Roster Report
The roster report generates a report of selected residents or patients in your facility. The roster report lists the following for each person:
- Name
- Diet, texture, fluid type
- Room
- Dining area
- Service type - table select (TS), advanced ordering (AO), non-select (NS)
- Identification (optional) - either date of birth, client ID or MRN (medical record number)
Selecting People to be in the Report
Select the people to be included in the report via the following separate instructions: Selecting People to be Included in Reports.
Report Settings
After selecting the people to be included in the report, select the People Roster option from the left side of the screen. The People Roster section appears for you to select the report settings.
Sort By:
- Name - sorts people alphabetically.
- Room - sorts people by their assigned residence location. First sorts by campus, then sub-sorts by building, then sub-sorts by area within building, then sub-sorts by room, then sub-sorts by bed. If multiple people are assigned to same bed, then sub-sorts alphabetically by last name.
Diet Order - sorts people by their assigned diet order. First sorts by diet type, then sub-sorts by texture type, then sub-sorts by fluid type, then sub-sorts by last name. Note: If a person is assigned different texture types, then that person is listed once for each of their assigned texture types within the report.
Page Break on Area (available if Room is selected in the Sort By drop-down) - generates a page break between each residence location type used in your facility. For example, a page break for each campus, a page break for each building in the campus, and a page break for each area within a building.
Page Break on Diet (available if Diet Order is selected in the Sort by drop-down) - generates a page break between each diet type.
- None - does not include identification information.
- Date of Birth - includes the person’s date of birth.
- Client ID - includes the person’s client ID.
- MRN - includes the person’s MRN (medical record number).
Why is a Diet Order in Red Font?
If the diet order (diet, texture, fluid) for a person is in red font, it indicates that their diet order is invalid, and as such their diet order needs to be resolved. For more information, see Invalid Diet Orders.