About the Personal Menu Item Report
The Personal Menu Items report lists the personal menu items for each person selected to be in the report.
Because supplements and adaptive aides are assigned to persons as personal menu items, the Personal Menu Item report is a useful means to know the total number of each supplement and adaptive aide required.
Selecting People to be in the Report
Select the people to be included in the report via the following separate instructions: Selecting People to be Included in Reports.
Report Settings
After selecting the people to be included in the report, select Personal Menu Items from the left side of the screen. The Personal Menu Items section appears for you to select the report settings.
- Meals & Snacks - select the meal periods (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and snack times (snack am, snack pm, snack hs) of the personal menu items to be included in the report.
Report Type: By Person - sorts the report alphabetically by people (one page per person), listing their personal menu items for each meal period and day.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
Report Type: By Item - sorts the report by each personal menu item, listing the person, days, and meal periods for each item. Tip! Running the report "by item" is a useful means to be able to easily count the total number of each item required.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
Menu Category Selection - you can filter the items to display on the report by their menu categories. To do so, click the Menu Category Selection link and the Select Menu Categories pop-up appears for you to select the menu categories from each meal period and snack time. Click Save to apply your settings.
Include Cost - the report is generated with costing information for each item, including totals.
Sorted By Person:
Sorted By Item:
Printing Supplements and Adaptive Aides for the Personal Menu Items Report
Because supplements and adaptive aides are assigned to persons as personal menu items, the Personal Menu Item report is a useful means to know the total number of each supplement and adaptive aide required. To list supplements and adaptive aides assigned to persons:
- Click the Menu Category Selection link.
- Select the Supplements category and Adaptive Aides category for each meal period and snack time. Deselect the food categories that you don't want to print. Click Save to apply your settings.
- For the Report Type sort order, it is recommended to use By Item, as this will list each item and the residents/patients it is assigned to, allowing you to easily count the total required.
Why is a diet order in red font?
If the diet order (diet, texture, fluid) for a person is in red font, it indicates that their diet order is invalid, and as such their diet order needs to be resolved. For more information, see Invalid Diet Orders.
Why are personal menu items not being printed?
Check if the resident/patient has been assigned an allergen. If so, any existing personal menu items that conflict with the allergen will not be served. For a personal menu item that is not being printed, you can view its associated allergens; to do so see Viewing Allergens Associated with a Recipe.