About the Weight Report
The weight report lists the weight information recorded for each person selected to be in the report.
Selecting People to be in the Report
Select the people to be included in the report via the following separate instructions: Selecting People to be Included in Reports.
Report Settings
After selecting the people to be included in the report, select Weight Report from the left side of the screen. The Weight Report section appears for you to select the report settings.
Report Type: Summary - the report includes the following high-level information about the person’s weight: ideal weight, status, and last weight (screenshot below). Note that the status field on the report records the person’s average weight for the time period selected in the Include Last field. Any weight loss/weight gain that meets the following criteria are also recorded in the status field.
- Weight loss > 5% in 30 days
- Weight gain > 5% in 30 days
- Weight loss > 7.5% in 90 days
- Weight gain > 7.5% in 90 days
- Weight loss > 10% in 180 days
- Weight gain > 10% in 180 days
Report Type: Detailed - the report includes full details about the person’s weight information: admit date, admit weight, ideal weight, ideal range, and each manually-recorded weight date, and status (screenshot below). The status field records if any of the following weight loss/weight criteria are met:
- Weight loss > 5% in 30 days
- Weight gain > 5% in 30 days
- Weight loss > 7.5% in 90 days
- Weight gain > 7.5% in 90 days
- Weight loss > 10% in 180 days
- Weight gain > 10% in 180 days
Sort By:
- Room - the report is sorted by residence area.
- Alpha - the report is sorted alphabetically by the person’s last name/first name.
Include Last:
- 30 days - includes the last 30 days of weight information entered for a person.
- 90 days - includes the last 90 days of weight information entered for a person.
- 180 days - includes the last 180 days of weight information entered for a person.
- Page Break on Area (available if Room is selected) - generates a page break between residence areas.