- About the Tray Menu Tickets Report
- Selecting People to be in the Report
Report Settings
- Invalid Diet Order Message When Generating Report
- Report Formatting
- A tray menu ticket is being skipped (i.e., not generated) for a resident/patient?
- I am receiving the "No Menu Items" message for the Tray Menu Tickets report?
- Why did the supplement for a resident/patient not print on the tray menu ticket?
- How do I stop "Substitute Needed" from displaying in my report?
- A resident is being served a recipe/item not on the menu?
- An item is showing on the report but I believe should not be due to the person's assigned allergen?
- How do I change the sort order of the menu categories on a tray card/ticket?
- Can I sort the report by diet type or texture type?
- Why is the text "Not Specified" printing with an item?
- Tutorial Video - Tray Menu Tickets (5:42)
- Differences Between Tray Menu Ticket and Printed Ticket
About the Tray Menu Tickets Report
The Tray Menu Tickets report generates menu tickets for resident/patients with the following service types:
Item-Selection Logic for Tray Menu Tickets
The Tray Menu Tickets report lists items based on the person's diet type, any diet restrictions set against the diet type, their allergens, and their personal menu customizations (including personal menu items).
Items that are printed on a tray menu ticket follow the item selection logic for the non-select service type (see Non-Select Service Type: Item-Selection Logic), meaning choice 1 items are attempted to be served unless an assigned allergen or a do not serve prevents the choice 1 item from being served, instead serving a choice 2 item.
What Information is Printed on a Tray Menu Ticket?
- Name
- Residence area
- Dining area
- Date of birth (option)
- ID (client ID or MRN)
- Diet order (diet, texture, fluid)
- Diet Intervention name (option)
- Allergies (option)
- Calories per portion (option)
- Serving utensil (option)
- Service notes (i.e., daily notes and individual meal service/snack time notes)
- Personal menu items and associated notes (option)
- Personal note associated with standard menu item
- Server notes for AO order placed in the Touch app
- Reuse order indicator for AO order
- Placed order indicator for AO order
- Photos (option)
- Happy birthday message (option)
- Custom message (option)
Modifiers are not Printed on a Tray Menu Ticket
At this time, modifiers that are added to an ordered menu item in the Touch app (either an advanced order or an instant order), are not returned to the MealSuite core system, and as such do not print on any MealSuite core system report.
A modifier will print on an order ticket printed from a thermal printer and also appear on the onscreen ticket on a KMS touchscreen. For more information between what a tray menu ticket prints as opposed to a thermal printer ticket, see Differences Between Tray Menu Ticket and Printed Ticket below.
If required to print the modifiers on a Tray Menu Ticket, you can have the server enter the modifiers as a note by tapping the Server Note button in the Touch app.
About Persons with the Advance Ordering Service Type
For a person with the advanced ordering type who has not placed their order, the items in their ticket are based on the non-select logic (as per screenshot above). If the person has placed their order in the Touch app, then the ticket lists their ordered items (as per screenshot below).
Note: To print menu choices for a person with the advance ordering service type so that they can make choices on what to order, use the Person-Specific Select Menus Report.
How Do I Know the Service Types of Residents/Patients?
On the People Listing screen, you can display the Service Type column so that you can easily see the assigned service types of people for each meal service (breakfast, lunch, dinner). To set columns on the People Listing screen, see Setting Columns on the People Listing Screen.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
In addition, you can filter the people to display on the People Listing screen via the Service Type filter. To use filters on the People Listing screen, see Opening and Customizing Your People List (via the People Listing Screen).
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
Selecting People to be in the Report
Select the people to be included in the report via the following separate instructions: Selecting People to be Included in Reports.
Report Settings
After selecting the people to be included in the report, select Tray Menu Tickets from the left side of the screen. The Tray Menu Tickets section appears for you to select the report settings.
Formatting Options
Format - select if the report is to be generated in letter size (8.5 x 11) or legal size (8.5 x 14).
Font Size - select the font size (small (10), medium (12), large (14) ) for the body text in a ticket. Note that depending on the number of items a person receives for a meal service, the large font may generate two tickets for the person. Also note the person’s name always generates 4 points bigger than the selected font size.
Ticket Header - the header contains information about the person: room, dining area, diet type, interventions, date of birth, allergens, ID. You can choose to print the header either at the top or the bottom of the ticket.
Group By:
Person - report is grouped by each person, meaning a person is listed with each of their meal service/day combination tickets. The example below shows the resident Jane Doe and her tickets for the Tuesday meal service (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
Meal/Date - report is grouped by meal service/day combinations, meaning each meal/day combination is listed with each person’s ticket included for that combination. The example screenshot below shows the Tuesday breakfast tickets being served for each person.
Person - report is grouped by each person, meaning a person is listed with each of their meal service/day combination tickets. The example below shows the resident Jane Doe and her tickets for the Tuesday meal service (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
Sort By:
- Name - sorts the report alphabetically by last name.
- Dining Area - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for dining areas (including residence area enabled as a dining area for in-room service), and sub-sorted by tables, and further sub-sorted by seat number.
- Room - sorts the report according to the alphabetical/numerical order of residence areas.
Delivery Sequence - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for room delivery. This option would be selected for residents with in-room service.
Dates - choose the date range for which to generate the tray menu tickets.
- Today
- Tomorrow
- Next 7 Days
Custom Date Range - displays the From and To calendar fields for you to enter a specific date range.
Meals - select the meal services (breakfast, lunch, dinner) to generate tray menu tickets for.
Meal Stacks (option only available if Person is selected for Group By) - with Meal Stacks selected, the report is structured to create individual “stacks” of the meal services (breakfast, lunch, dinner) when you cut or tear the tickets.
Breakfast tickets are generated on the left side of the page.
Lunch tickets are printed on the middle of the page.
dinner tickets are printed on the right of the page.
Therefore, when the report is printed, you can easily cut/tear the tickets into the resultant stacks of each meal service. If a ticket for a meal service/day combination is not generated for a person for any reason, then that space is left blank on the page in order to conform to the meal stack structure.
Highlight Allergies and Non-Regular Diet Orders - highlights in yellow a person’s allergies and non-regular diet types, textures, and fluid types.
- Only Print for Advance Orders - select this option to only print tickets for those with advance ordering as a service type and who have placed an order.
Options to Include
Date of Birth - includes the person’s date of birth in the ticket header.
Happy Birthday Message - if the person’s birthday matches the date in the report, then the person’s ticket for that day displays “Happy Birthday” at the top of each ticket (below the header if header is selected to display at the top of the ticket).
Allergies - displays a person’s assigned allergens in the header.
Diner Photos - if the resident has a photo on their profile (see Uploading, Changing or Deleting a Person's Profile Photo), then the photo will print in the ticket header, as per screenshot below (showing the ticket header displayed at the top of the ticket).
Calories per portion - includes the calories per portion beside each menu item.
Diet Interventions - includes the names of a person’s assigned diet interventions in the header.
Serving Utensil - for recipes that have serving utensils, displays the serving utensil beside the item in the report (screenshot below). If a recipe does not have a serving utensil, then the text Not Specified is displayed in lieu of non-existent serving utensil (screenshot below).
Message - you can enter a message (maximum 20 characters) that displays at the top of each ticket (below the header if header is selected to display at the top of the ticket). For example, for the holiday season, you can enter “Happy Holidays!” as the message.
Invalid Diet Order Message when Generating Report
If one or more persons selected to be in the report have an invalid diet order, then a message appears indicating such when generating the report.
You can view which persons have an invalid diet order by opening the People Listing screen (People > People Listing). A person with an invalid diet order has the following icon in the Alerts column: :
Hovering your cursor over icon explains why the diet order is invalid.
You can open the person's profile and change their diet order as needed.
For more on what causes an invalid diet order, see the following article: Invalid Diet Orders.
Report Formatting
Italicized and Underlined Items
- An italicized item on a ticket indicates it is a personal menu item.
- An underlined item on a ticket indicates it is either a specific substitute, fallback substitute, or a house fallback from the also available (AA) menu.
- An underlined portion size on a ticket indicates that the portion size is different than the regular menu item, which can be the result of a serving size adjustment in the person’s personal menu or serving size adjustment in the item’s extension grid.
Substitute Needed
If the menu item selection logic results in an item that cannot be served for a person, then the text "Substitute needed" will appear underlined on the report (screenshot below). For solutions to remove or stop the "Substitute needed" text, see Resolving "Substitute Needed" on Personal Menu and Reports.
Service Notes
Any service notes (i.e., daily notes and individual meal period notes) entered for the profile automatically appear on the ticket.
If you are printing the ticket header at the top of the ticket (by selecting Top for the Ticket Header setting) the service notes print at the bottom of the ticket. | If you are printing the ticket header at the bottom of the ticket (by selecting Bottom for the Ticket Header setting) the service notes print at the top the ticket. |
Why is an Allergy "Unknown"?
When a Connect message contains an unknown allergen from the EHR that remains unresolved (i.e., the EHR allergen is not mapped to a MealSuite allergen group), then the report prefaces the allergy with Unknown:
If there are multiple unknown allergens, then Unknown: is listed once with each unknown allergen listed after.
About Reusing of Orders (for Advanced Ordering)
For a resident/patient with the advanced ordering service type and who misses placing an order, the system will reuse the same order from the previous same menu week/day/meal service (see Reusing of Past Orders for more information).
When the system is reusing an order, it is stated on a ticket with the "Reused Order" text and the reused order icon (), as shown below.
Server Notes for Advanced Orders in the Touch App
In the Touch app for an advanced order, the order taker (i.e., server) has the ability to enter a note, and these "server notes" will appear at the bottom of the resident's associated tray menu ticket. When a server has entered a note, the tray menu ticket will preface the note with the text "Server Notes", as per screenshot below.
A tray menu ticket is being skipped (i.e., not generated) for a resident/patient?
Possible reason 1: The resident or patient may be assigned the table select service type for the meal service (breakfast, lunch, dinner) that you are printing tickets for. The Tray Menu Ticket report only generates for people with the non-select and advance ordering service types.
For more information, see How Do I Know the Service Types of Residents/Patients? above. If needed to assign a resident/patient the non-select or advance ordering service type, see Selecting Service Types (Table Select, Advance Ordering, Non-Select) for Persons.
Possible reason 2: The person could be assigned an NPO diet order or assigned a no meal service.
Possible reason 3: The person has the advance order service type and could have skipped/refused the meal.
Possible reason 4: A person marked off-premise (LOA) will not be included in the report. You can return the person from LOA: see Manually Marking a Person as On-Premise (Return from LOA).
Possible reason 5: A resident will not appear on a report if that resident profile is archived in the system. To confirm if residents are archived in the system, see Locating Archived Persons. If necessary to unarchive a resident, see Unarchiving a Person. Note: If your account is connected with your EHR system via a MealSuite Connect interface, then profile updates for a resident in the EHR will be reflected for that person's profile in your MealSuite account. As such, if the resident has a discharge status in the EHR, such as what will occur with a leave of absence (LOA), then Connect will archive that profile in your account.
Possible reason 6: The resident is assigned to an "ignored room" in the system. An ignored room is a room that food is not served to (such as an emergency room or outpatient room).
Possible reason 7: A tray menu ticket will not be generated for a resident/patient if their dining area, or residence area enabled as a dining area for in-room service, is not associated with a menu.
A menu is associated with a dining area/residence area enabled as a dining area via a menu service location (MSL). The menu service location can be thought of as the “connecting piece”: the menu is assigned to the menu service location and the dining area/residence area enabled as a dining area is assigned to the menu service location.
- To change the dining area of a person, see Assigning Dining Area, Table and Seat to a Person.
- To see what menu service location a dining area/residence area enabled as dining area is assigned to, see Seeing the Menu Service Location a Dining Area is Assigned To. To change the menu service location of a dining area, see Changing the Menu Service Location (MSL) of a Dining Area.
- To see what menu service location a menu is assigned to, see Seeing the Menu Service Location (MSL) a Menu is Assigned To. To change the menu service location of a menu, see Changing the Menu Service Location (MSL) of a Menu.
I am receiving the "No Menu Items" message for the Tray Menu Tickets report
Possible Reason 1: This message most likely indicates that the people selected to be in report do not have the non-select service type or advance ordering service type. The Tray Menu Ticket report only generates for people with the non-select and advance ordering service types. For more information, see How Do I Know the Service Types of Residents/Patients? above. If needed to assign a resident/patient the non-select or advance ordering service type, see Selecting Service Types (Table Select, Advance Ordering, Non-Select) for Persons.
Possible Reason 2: If you have the Only Print for Advance Orders check box selected, and the people selected to be in the report are all advance ordering service type and have not yet placed an order, then the "No Menu Items" message will appear. Therefore, clear the Only Print for Advance Order check box.
Possible Reason 3: If you have confirmed that persons with the non-select and advance ordering service types are selected to be in the report, then it could be that their assigned dining area, or residence area enabled as a dining area for in-room service, is not associated with a menu.
A menu is associated with a dining area/residence area enabled as a dining area via a menu service location (MSL). The menu service location can be thought of as the “connecting piece”: the menu is assigned to the menu service location and the dining area/residence area enabled as a dining area is assigned to the menu service location.
- To change the dining area of a person, see Assigning Dining Area, Table and Seat to a Person.
- To see what menu service location a dining area/residence area enabled as dining area is assigned to, see Seeing the Menu Service Location a Dining Area is Assigned To. To change the menu service location of a dining area, see Changing the Menu Service Location (MSL) of a Dining Area.
- To see what menu service location a menu is assigned to, see Seeing the Menu Service Location (MSL) a Menu is Assigned To. To change the menu service location of a menu, see Changing the Menu Service Location (MSL) of a Menu.
Why did the supplement for a resident/patient not print on the tray menu ticket?
Because a supplement is treated as a personal menu item for a resident/patient (see How are Supplements Assigned to a Resident or Patient?), check to see if the resident/patient is still assigned the supplement on their personal menu (see Opening a Personal Menu); it could be their diet order was changed that warranted the removal of the supplement.
How do I stop "Substitute Needed" from displaying in my report?
See the following article: Resolving "Substitute Needed" on Personal Menu and Reports.
A resident is being served a recipe/item not on the menu?
This most likely indicates the resident is on a therapeutic diet order, and as such the system is offering the therapeutic substitute recipe that has been extended for the regular recipe that is on the menu. For example, if Salisbury Steak is the regular recipe on the menu, then its therapeutic substitute for the Easy to Chew texture type is Curried Chicken.
To open, view or change the therapeutic substitutes of a regular recipe, see Working in a Menu Item Extension Grid.
To change the diet order for a resident, see Assigning Diet Order (Diet Type, Texture Type, Fluid Type) to Person.
An item is showing on the report but I believe should not be due to the person's assigned allergen?
A recipe (i.e., menu item) is associated with an allergen group via one or more of its ingredients. If an item is not removed from the report that you believe should be removed due to the assigned allergen on the person's profile, then first confirm if the recipe is associated with that allergen group. To do see Viewing Allergens Associated with a Recipe.
If the recipe is associated with a different allergen group than the allergen group currently assigned to the profile, then you can assign the correct allergen group to the profile. See Assigning Allergens to a Person.
If the recipe is not associated with what you believe is the correct allergen group assigned to the profile, then you can associate the recipe to the correct allergen group by adding the affected ingredient to the allergen group. See Adding Food Items to Allergen Group.
How do I change the sort order of the menu categories on a tray card/ticket?
You can change the sort order of menu categories across all areas of the system and reports. Menu categories cannot be sorted for an individual report. To change the sort order of menu categories in the system and all reports, see Changing Sort Order of Menu Categories.
Can I sort the report by diet type or texture type?
No. You cannot sort the report by diet type or texture type. The sort options are as follows:
- Name - sorts the report alphabetically by last name.
- Dining Area - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for dining areas (including residence area enabled as a dining area for in-room service), and sub-sorted by tables, and further sub-sorted by seat number.
- Room - sorts the report according to the alphabetical/numerical order of residence areas.
- Delivery Sequence - sorts the report according to the delivery sequence set up for room delivery. This option would be selected for residents with in-room service.
Why is the text "Not Specified" printing with an item?
The Serving Utensil option is selected. For recipes that have serving utensils, the serving utensil is displayed with the item (screenshot below). If a recipe does not have a serving utensil, then the text Not Specified is displayed in lieu of the non-existent serving utensil.
Tutorial Video - Tray Menu Tickets (5:42)
Differences Between Tray Menu Ticket and Printed Ticket
The table below lists the differences between the information displayed on a tray menu ticket versus a printed ticket (to access a PDF of the information below that you can distribute as needed, click here).
Information | Tray Menu Ticket | Printed Ticket |
Diet order | Yes | Yes (optional - via KMS station settings) |
Diet intervention | Yes (optional) | Yes (optional - via KMS station settings) |
Allergies | Yes (optional) | Yes |
Modifiers | No | Yes |
Nutrients | No | Yes (optional) |
Calories per portion | Yes (optional) | Yes (optional) |
Serving utensil | Yes (optional) | No |
Service Notes (i.e., daily notes and individual meal period notes) | Yes | Yes (optional - via KMS station settings) |
Profile notes | No | Yes (optional - via KMS station settings) |
Personal notes on menu items | Yes | Yes |
Server notes for AO order placed in Touch | Yes | Yes |
Reuse order indicator for AO order | Yes | No |
Placed order indicator for AO order | Yes | No |
Photos | Yes (optional) | No |
Date of Birth | Yes (optional) | Yes (optional) |
Happy Birthday Message | Yes (optional) | No |
Custom message | Yes (optional) | No |