About the Generic Select Menus Report
The Generic Select Menu report generates menu item offerings without resident names and their personal menu information.
This report is useful for guests who you need to take orders for, or to see therapeutic substitutes that were extended to the diet type/texture type combinations for the menu item.
The report generates a card for each selected meal service (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and date with blank Name, Room, and Dining Area in the menu header for the server to write in the information.
Generic Select Menu Report Settings
Because this report is non-specific to people, there is no need to select people from the base report settings. Just select Generic Select Menus (under Select Menus) from the left side of the screen, and the Generic Select Menus section appears for you to select the report settings.
Formatting Options
Format - select the format of the report:
- 8.5 x 11 (Letter)
- 8.5 x 14 (Legal)
2 Meals Menu - this option is designed if you are taking orders for only two meal periods (e.g., lunch and dinner), as it generates both the menus for both meal periods on one page.
Font Size - select the font size (small (10), medium (12), large (14) ) of the tickets. Note that depending on the number of items a person receives for a meal period menu, the large font may split the menu into two for the person.
Menu Header - the menu header contains the blank Name, Room, Dining Area, along with the diet order information (diet type, texture type) that you select for the report via the Select Diet Orders link below. You can choose to print the header either at the top or the bottom of the ticket.
List By:
Menu Category - the menu items are listed by their assigned menu category.
Choice - the menu items are listed by their assigned choices.
Menu Service Location - select the menus to generate by selecting the menu service locations to which the menus are assigned.
Dates - choose the date range for which to generate the select menus.
- Today
- Tomorrow
- Next 7 Days
Custom Date Range - displays the From and To calendar fields for you to enter a specific date range.
Meals - select the meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner) to generate menus for.
Highlight Non-Regular Diet Orders - any non-regular diet orders you select for the report (via the Select Diet Orders link below) will be highlighted yellow (screenshot below).
Bold Choice 1 - items assigned as choice 1 items are bolded on the menu.
Printing Therapeutic Offerings by Specific Diet Orders
You can print the therapeutic substitute offerings for selected diet orders (i.e., diet type/texture type combinations) based on the menu items' extensions. To do so:
- Click the Select Diet Orders link. The Select Diet Orders window appears.
- Select the desired diet type/texture type combinations.
Note: If a diet/texture combination cannot be selected (i.e., greyed out), it indicates that that diet/texture combination is not published in your account. A diet/texture combination can be published via the Diet Orders Settings screen (Tools & Setup > Diet Orders) by clicking its check mark to be green (as per screenshot below). See Publishing an Unpublished Diet Type/Texture Type Combination for instructions.
- If a liquid menu is scheduled for the menu service location selected in the Menu Service Location field, then the report can generate separate menus for the liquid diet types (clear liquid, full liquid, tube feeding) that the menu supports. To do so, select the Liquid Diet check box and from the drop-down select the liquid diets.
- Click the Select button to apply your changes.
Options to Include
Also Available Menu Items- includes any items from a scheduled also available (AA) menu. Note: If the system item selection logic forces an AA item to be displayed, then that AA item will show on the report even if the Also Available Menu Items check box is not selected.
Portion Size - displays the recipe portion size.
Portion Size Description - displays the portion size description entered for a menu item.
Description - displays the recipe description.
Message - you can enter a message (maximum 20 characters) that displays at the top of each menu below the header. For example, for the holiday season, you can enter “Happy Holidays!” as the message.
Menu Category Selection - you can filter the items to display on the menus by their menu categories. To do so, click the Menu Category Selection link and the Select Menu Categories pop-up appears for you to select the menu categories from each meal period.