- About the Connect Screen
- What Does Acknowledging a Message Do?
- Why Would I Have to Resolve a Message?
- Searching on the Connect Screen
- Filtering Messages on the Connect Screen
- Setting Preferred Columns on the Connect Screen
- What Else Should I Know About the Connect Screen?
About the Connect Screen
The Connect screen (People > Connect) is where messages received from an EHR system are listed for you to acknowledge or resolve. (To expand image below, right-click it and open in new tab).
What Does Acknowledging a Message Do?
If a message is received by Connect with no issues, then it appears with the Acknowledge button. A message needs to be acknowledged by a designated user in your MealSuite account so that it proves it has been read (i.e., a read receipt). When a message is acknowledged, the system records the date and time of the acknowledgement, which can be viewed in the history of a person’s profile.
See About Acknowledging Connect Messages for more information and instructions on acknowledging messages.
Why Would I Have to Resolve a Message?
If a Connect message from an EHR system contains data in the form of a person, room, allergy or diet order that is not mapped to a corresponding MealSuite entity (person, room, allergy, diet order), then the Connect interface cannot process the message, and that message appears with the Resolve label. In addition, a warning message appears in red at the top of the screen to indicate that one or more messages need to be resolved.
See About Resolving Connect Messages for more information and instructions on resolving messages.
Searching on the Connect Screen
A message is identified by the person’s name. Therefore you can conduct a search for messages associated with a person by entering that person’s name in the Search field.
Filtering Messages on the Connect Screen
You can use the filters to return messages that match your inputted filter criteria. The filters are described as follows:
Filter | Description |
Received Between |
All Dates |
Message Type (depending on your MealSuite product license) |
EHR | Displays all enabled EHRs for the account. |
People Group | Displays the people groups for which there is a connected EHR Connect interface. Selecting a people group displays messages associated with the EHR Connect interface of that people group. |
Status |
Setting Preferred Columns on the Connect Screen
You can customize the information on the Connect screen (People > Connect) by setting your preferred columns.
- Click the Set Columns button (first screenshot below) to display the Set Columns pop-up (second screenshot below), which allows you to choose your preferred columns to display.
- For the columns you want onscreen, drag-and-drop them from the right side of the pop-up to the left side of the pop-up. Conversely, for the columns you do not want onscreen, drag-and-drop them from the left side of the pop-up to the right side of the pop-up
- You can determine the sort order of the columns displayed onscreen by clicking, holding, and dragging a column to it desired spot in the column list.
- Click Apply to apply your changes and close the pop-up.
Column Descriptions
The following columns are described:
- Processed At - displays the time and date the message was processed.
- Message Details - displays the message details that Connect processed from the EHR. For example, Changed Texture from 'Regular' to 'Mechanical Soft'. If the message requires resolution, then the text displays in red.
- Acknowledged by - when an EHR message is acknowledged, then this column displays the date and time the message was acknowledged, and by whom. If the message has not been acknowledged, then the Acknowledge button displays. If the message requires resolution, then the Resolve button displays.
- EHR ID - displays the resident or patient's EHR ID.
What Else Should I Know About the Connect Screen?
Messages are listed on the Connect screen by received date, with the most recent message at the top.
The screen can display up to 100 messages per page.
The default view is to show all new messages from all dates. You can change the view via the filters.