- About the Ingredient Pull Sheet
- About the Total To Pull Amount on the Ingredient Pull Sheet
- Selecting Settings to Determine Items to be in the Production Report
- Specific Report Settings: Ingredient Pull Sheet
- Report Format
- Tutorial Video - Ingredient Pull Sheet (2:54)
- FAQs
About the Ingredient Pull Sheet
The ingredient pull sheet generates the total amount to pull for ingredients with a pull value. A pull value is the number of days an ingredient is pulled from a freezer for thawing before being used in the recipe, or the days beforehand that an ingredient is first cooked before being served.
When you run the ingredient pull sheet, a pull value of an ingredient is added to the day the ingredient pull sheet is run to determine the service date. For example, assume an ingredient has a pull value of 1 and the report is run for the date of March 14, then the served date will show as March 15 on the report.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
Where are Pull Values Entered?
Pull values are entered for ingredients within the recipe, as per screenshot below.
About the Total to Pull Amount on the Ingredient Pull Sheet
The Total To Pull amount for an ingredient on the sheet can either be the exact amount being used in a recipe, or it can be the assigned pack size of the vendor product that is selected for that ingredient. This setting can be changed by opening the food item; see Setting Pull By Amount for Food Item to Stock Unit or Exact Amount.
Selecting Settings to Determine Items to be in the Production Report
Via Production > Reports, select the production report settings to determine the items to be included in the report. These settings include the date range, meal periods, menu service locations, and production areas. See the separate article Opening the Production Report Settings for more information and specific instructions.
Specific Report Settings: Ingredient Pull Sheet
After selecting the settings to determine the items to be in the report, then from the left side of the screen select the Ingredient Pull Sheet option. The Ingredient Preparation Sheet section appears for you to select the report settings.
- Format - select if the report is to be generated in PDF letter size (8.5 x 11) or PDF legal size (8.5 x 14), or Excel® format.
List Ingredients and Recipes By
- Display Name - items are listed by their display name (i.e., user-friendly name).
- Lookup Name - items are listed by their lookup name (i.e., system name).
Report Format
Ingredients Organized by Food Category
The ingredients are organized by food categories. Note that a food category for an ingredient can be viewed when the ingredient is opened from the Food Listing screen (Tools & Setup > Food Listing).
Display of Recipes and Prepared Foods as Ingredients
If a recipe or prepared food is used as an ingredient in a recipe, then that recipe or prepared food will display as an individual ingredient. The For Use In column displays the recipe that the ingredient is used in. Note that a recipe as an ingredient can be "multi-levels" of a recipe (i.e., a recipe within a recipe within a recipe within a recipe).
Tutorial Video - Ingredient Pull Sheet (2:54)
I am not seeing ingredients from all recipes; specifically choice 2 recipes?
I am not seeing all of my choice 2 items?
Ensure that the forecasting method that is applied to the menu is the percentage forecasting method instead of the census forecasting method. The percentage forecasting method includes items from all choices on a menu; whereas the census forecasting method only includes non-choice 1 items if a resident/patient's assigned diet order warrants it via the item selection logic.