- About Production Reports
- Allowing Pop-Ups for your Production Reports
- If Forecasting is Being Used or Not
- Opening the Production Report Settings
- Applying Specific Report Settings
- Generating Production Reports
- Invalid Diet Order Message when Generating Report
About Production Reports
Production reports inform production staff of the amount of food servings to produce for meal periods and snack times from your scheduled menus.
Allowing Pop-Ups for your Production Reports
If you attempt to generate a report, and nothing happens, then that most likely means pop-ups are being blocked on your browser. You can allow pop-ups by clicking the "Pop-up blocked" icon in the browser address bar, as per screenshot below.
If prompted to allow pop-ups, select the "Always allow" option.
To prevent the browser in the first place from blocking pop-ups, you can set up the browser to allow pop-ups. Instructions to do so can be found in the following article: Allowing Pop-Ups on your Browser.
If Forecasting is Being Used or Not
- If forecasting is applied to a menu, the production reports will automatically include the servings from the forecasting worksheets.
- If forecasting is not applied to a menu, then the production reports will only include servings from those with the non-select service type and the advance ordering service type. If forecasting is not applied to the menu and you only have profiles with the table select service type, the report will not generate.
Opening the Production Report Settings
Select Production > Reports. The Production Reports screen appears.
Selecting the Date or Date Range
In the Date (From - To) calendar fields, enter the date or date range for which you want to generate the production report. Any scheduled menu that is active within the date range will be pulled for the production report(s) you run.
Selecting Meal Periods/Snack Times
From the Meals field, select the meal periods (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and snack times (snack AM, snack PM, snack HS) for which you want to generate reports.
Selecting Menu Service Location(s)
From the Menu Service Locations field, select the menu service locations from which to generate reports. A menu service location is assigned menus and dining areas. The dining areas in turn determine the diet order census based off people profiles assigned to the dining areas, or a dining area set up with a manual diet order census.
Selecting Production Areas
From the Production Areas field, select the production areas to be included in the report, which in turn determines the items to print in the report. Items in a report will be listed under their assigned production areas.
Note 1: The MSLs selected in the Menu Service Locations field determine the items that can be printed in a report, which is based on the orders from the people "connected" to the MSL via their assigned dining area (see diagram below); whereas the production areas selected in the Production Areas field function as a filter to determine if the items will print in the report. In other words, if an item's assigned production area is not selected, then that item will not print in the report.
Note 2: By default, items that do not need to be produced, such as juice, soda, broths, supplements, equipment, etc., and therefore not assigned to a production area, are still listed on a production report in a section titled “Unassigned”. To not have an “Unassigned” section on your report, you can create an appropriate production area such as “No Production” and assign the non-produced items to that "No Production" production area. Prior to generating the production report, you will not select the "No Production" area in the base settings of the productions reports to prevent its items from printing on the report. For more information, see Hiding Items from Production Report that do not need to be Produced.
Advance Ordering Settings
When running a production report, the following options are available to determine the items and their serving numbers in the production report:
Use Forecast (available only if the advanced ordering census is included in forecasting) - the report will include items and their serving numbers pulled from the forecasting worksheets associated with the selected days and meal periods/snack times. Note that items on the forecasting worksheet are determined by actual orders placed; for orders not placed, the worksheet includes items that are automatically selected based on the AO item selection logic.
Use Orders - When the Use Orders option is selected, the production report will include items for the actual orders placed by resident/patients.
For those resident/patients who have not yet placed an order, then the production report will include items that are automatically selected based on the AO item selection logic.
However, if you did not want the report to include items for those resident/patients who have not placed an order, then such items can be excluded by selecting the Exclude AO People who have not placed an order option.
Using Latest Auto-Generated Forecasting
As noted, if forecasting is configured and applied to your menus, the production reports will automatically include the servings from the menu's associated forecasting worksheets.
When a forecasting worksheet is locked, then the production reports will pull those numbers from the locked forecasting worksheet.
However, If you do not want to pull serving numbers from locked forecasting worksheets, and instead pull from the latest auto-calculated forecasting results generated by the system (i.e., locked forecasting worksheet is ignored), then you can do so by selecting the Use Auto-Generated Forecasting check box.
Using auto-generated forecasting results rather than the results from locked forecasting worksheets provides you with the most up-to-date information based upon your current census and menu edits. It is also a useful function to compare forecasting numbers that you may have manually adjusted on the forecasting worksheets as opposed to what the system auto-calculates.
Applying Specific Report Settings
With the base settings selected, your next step is to apply the specific settings to each report you want to generate. To do so, refer to the appropriate report-specific articles in the table of contents to the left.
Generating Production Reports
- After selecting the base settings for your production report, and applying the specific settings for each report you want to generate, you generate the report(s) via the Generate button at the top of the screen.
- You are presented with the message below stating that you can use other areas of the software while your report generates.
- If you don't click the Yes, Send Report To My Dashboard And Notify Me When Ready button, then the report will open in a separate browser tab after it generates.
- If you do click the Yes, Send Report To My Dashboard And Notify Me When Ready button, the system will notify you when the report is ready (first screenshot below), allowing you to download it now, or dismiss the message and later retrieve the report from the Notifications and Alerts section (i.e., dashboard) on the home page (second screenshot below).
Note that the dashboard notification only appears to the user who generated the report and expires after 24 hours. Also note that if you are required to log out of the system, or if your browser session ends, the reports will continue to generate and be available from the home page for 24 hours.
Note: The home page is accessed by clicking the logo at the top right of the screen.
- In addition, at the top left of the Reports screen, a Pending Reports section is available to indicate that reports are either compiling or are ready to retrieve via the home page.
Invalid Diet Order Message when Generating Report
If one or more persons selected to be in the report have an invalid diet order, then a message appears indicating such when generating the report.
You can view which persons have an invalid diet order by opening the People Listing screen (People > People Listing). A person with an invalid diet order has the following icon in the Alerts column: :
Hovering your cursor over icon explains why the diet order is invalid.
You can open the person's profile and change their diet order as needed.
For more on what causes an invalid diet order, see the following article: Invalid Diet Orders.