- I click "Generate", but nothing happens?
- Why is an item missing from my production report?
- Why are extra items on my production reports?
- How do I remove items from a production report that do not need to be produced (e.g., aides, supplements, drinks, etc.)?
- The production report will not generate. I am getting the "No Data" error message.
- Why is an item on my production report twice / duplicate?
- How do I print a list of "extra items" (i.e., supplements, adaptive aides/equipment) so kitchen staff know quantities to prepare?
- How do I adjust the servings (i.e., forecasting numbers) for certain areas that need extra?
- I have added a production area, but it is not available for selection in the Production Areas field?
- What is the "Messages from EHR are unresolved" Text on the Production Reports Screen?
- How can I generate a grocery list / purchasing list?
- Can I print the recipe ID in a production report?
- Can I generate a production report for a past date?
I click "Generate", but nothing happens?
If you attempt to generate a report, and nothing happens, then that most likely means pop-ups are being blocked on your browser. You can allow pop-ups by clicking the "Pop-up blocked" icon in the browser address bar, as per screenshot below.
If prompted to allow pop-ups, select the "Always allow" option.
To prevent the browser in the first place from blocking pop-ups, you can set up the browser to allow pop-ups. Instructions to do so can be found in the following article: Allowing Pop-Ups on your Browser.
Why is an item missing from my production report?
If an item is missing from a production report, you can check the following:
- Ensure that the item is assigned to a production area and that the production area is selected in the base settings of the production reports.
- If you are not seeing all choice 2 items, then it means the Census Forecasting method is applied to the menu rather than the Percentage Forecasting method. The Percentage Forecasting method includes items from all choices on a menu; whereas the Census Forecasting method only includes non-choice 1 items if a resident/patient's assigned diet order warrants it via the item selection logic. See Applying Forecasting to a Menu to change the forecasting method for a menu.
- If utilizing forecasting, it could be the forecasting worksheet is locked, and as such, any new item added to the menu after the forecasting worksheet was locked will not be shown in production. To pull in items added after the forecasting worksheet was locked, select the Use Auto-Generated Forecasting check box, which will pull from the latest auto-calculated forecasting results generated by the system (i.e., locked forecasting worksheet is ignored).
There is the ability to unlock the worksheet to enable the forecast auto-calculation process to update the numbers. See the article Locked Forecasting Worksheets for more information.
Why are extra items on my production reports?
This most likely means your Also Available (AA) is set with forecasting. When an AA menu is set with forecasting, all its items--not just items that were ordered--will appear on your forecasting worksheets and the production reports.
If you are not using the AA menu as an addition to the standard menu, but rather using the AA menu to offer its items as fallback substitutes when the menu item selection logic excludes an item for a resident/patient, you will want set the AA menu to not forecast. By not forecasting the AA menu, you ensure that its non-ordered items do not appear on the forecasting worksheet and the production reports.
To set a menu to not forecast, see Setting a Menu to Not Forecast.
How do I remove items from a production report that do not need to be produced (e.g., aides, supplements, drinks)?
See Removing Items from Production Report for Items that do not need to be Produced.
Why is an item on my production report twice/duplicate?
If a recipe or prepared food is used as an ingredient in a recipe, then that recipe or prepared food displays on the report after the recipe item it is part of. If that recipe or prepared food is also a stand-alone recipe, then it prints on the report as expected.
The production report will not generate. I am getting the "No Data" error message.
You are receiving the following error message: "No data was found for this report. Please check your menu, dining area and menu service location configuration."
Possible Reason 1: If forecasting is not applied to the menu and you only have people profiles with the table select service type, the report will not generate. The report will generate for profiles with non-select service type and the advance ordering service type if forecasting is not applied to the menu.
- For more on forecasting, see Forecasting: An Overview.
- To configure a forecasting method, see Configuring the Forecasting.
- To apply forecasting to a menu, see Applying Forecasting to Menus.
Possible Reason 2: Ensure the menu service location that you select to run the production report is correct. Alternatively, ensure the menu is assigned the correct menu service location. The menu service location can be thought of as the “connecting piece”: the menu is assigned to the menu service location and the dining area (including a residence area enabled as a dining area for in-room service) is assigned to the menu service location. The dining area/residence area enabled as a dining area in turn is assigned people profiles, which determines their menu, or can be a dining area with a manual diet order census.
- To see what menu service location a menu is assigned to, see Seeing the Menu Service Location (MSL) a Menu is Assigned To. To change the menu service location of a menu, see Changing the Menu Service Location (MSL) of a Menu.
- To see what menu service location a dining area/residence area enabled as a dining area is assigned to, see Seeing the Menu Service Location a Dining Area is Assigned To. To change the menu service location of a dining area/residence area enabled as a dining area, see Changing the Menu Service Location (MSL) of a Dining Area.
- To change the dining area of a person, see Managing a Resident's Seating Arrangement
Possible Reason 3: If you have the Exclude AO People who have not placed an order check box selected, and the people selected to be in the report are all advance ordering service type and have not yet placed an order, then the report will not be generated. Therefore, clear the Exclude AO People who have not placed an order check box.
How do I print a list of "extra items" (i.e., supplements, adaptive aides/equipment) so kitchen staff know quantities to prepare?
You can create a production area such as "Extra items", "Supplements" or "Adaptive Aides" (see Adding a Production Area), and assign the extra items to it; see Assigning Items to a Production Area.
A production report, therefore, can then be filtered on the production area (screenshot below), to print the items and their quantities that need to be gathered before service begins.
Another option, which is more of a quick snapshot, is to run the Personal Menu Items report. Because extra items (i.e., supplements, adaptive aides/equipment) are assigned to a person as personal menu items, the Personal Menu Items report is a useful means to know the total number of each extra item required. See Personal Menu Items Report (People) for more information and instructions.
How do I adjust the servings (i.e., forecasting numbers) for certain areas that need extra?
The recommended method to adjust servings (i.e., forecasting numbers) is directly for the menu item.
- If using percentages forecasting, see Adjusting Forecasting Percentages for a Menu Item.
- If using total needed forecasting, see Adjusting Total Needed Forecasting Amounts for a Menu item.
If not possible for whatever reason to adjust a menu item, then you can manually adjust the serving amounts on the worksheet. Note, however, when you adjust the serving amounts, the forecasting worksheet will lock, meaning any forecasting auto-calculation no longer updates the worksheet so as to not override the manually-adjusted amounts. For more information, see Manually Adjusting a Serving Amount.
I have added a production area, but it is not available for selection from the Production Areas field?
This most likely means the production area is not published. See Publishing an Unpublished Production Area.
Note, however, that a production area that was unpublished will not have any items assigned to it. To assign items to a production area, see Assigning Menu Items to a Production Area.
What is the "Messages from EHR are unresolved" Text on the Production Reports Screen?
If a Connect interface message from an EHR contains data in the form of a person, room, allergy or diet order that is not mapped to a corresponding MealSuite entity (person, room, allergy, diet order), then the Connect interface cannot process the message. Such a message is considered unresolved, and as such the following warning message appears in red text on the Production Reports screen:
"[X] messages received from [EHR] are currently unresolved due to unknown data in Connect Mapping. This is preventing your people profiles from being updated with the most up-to-date allergen, diet order, or room data. To resolve these messages go to People > Connect and click the Mapping button. For more information, see About Resolving Connect Messages."
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
You can resolve Connect messages on the Connect screen. For more information, see the Resolving Connect Messages chapter.
How can I generate a grocery list / purchasing list?
Click here for instructions on generating a quantified grocery list.
A quantified grocery list contains the food items and quantities you need to procure without the need to manage vendor products. Once a quantified grocery list is generated, you can then use it to go shopping for products or placing orders in vendor site(s).
Can I print the recipe ID in a production report?
No. At this time, the recipe ID cannot be printed in a production report.
A workaround is to add the recipe ID to the display name of the recipe.
If needing to generate a list of recipes with their recipe IDs, you can do so via the following steps:
- Open the Recipe Listing screen,
- Ensure the Recipe ID column is set to display.
- Customize the recipes you want to export using the available filters.
- Export the list to an Excel® file.
Can I generate a production report for a past date?
Yes, you can generate a production report for a past date. In the production report settings, you would enter the desired past date or date range.