- About the Kitchen Production Sheet
- Selecting Settings to Determine Items to be in the Production Report
- Specific Report Settings: Kitchen Production Sheet
- Sorting Production Areas on Kitchen Production Sheet
- Sorting Items in a Production Area on Kitchen Production Sheet
- Sorting Dining Area Columns on Kitchen Production Sheet
- Consolidating Residence Areas Enabled as Dining Areas
- FAQs
About the Kitchen Production Sheet
The Kitchen Production Sheet is used on a daily basis to inform the production staff of the amounts to be produced. It offers flexibility in determining what information is included, including "Temperature Tracking" columns to record food temperatures.
Tutorial Video - Kitchen Production Sheet (5:47)
Selecting Settings to Determine Items to be in the Production Report
Via Production > Reports, select the production report settings to determine the items to be included in the report. These settings include the date range, meal periods, menu service locations, and production areas. See the separate article Opening the Production Report Settings for more information and specific instructions.
Specific Report Settings: Kitchen Production Sheet
After selecting the settings to determine the items to be in the report, then from the left side of the screen select the Kitchen Production Sheet option. The Kitchen Production Sheet section appears for you to select the report settings.
Formatting Options
Format - select if the report is to be generated in PDF letter size (8.5 x 11) or PDF legal size (8.5 x 14), or Excel® format.
Font Size - select the font size (10 to 14) of the menu items.
Print By
- Display Name - items are listed by their display name (i.e., user-friendly name).
Lookup Name - items are listed by their lookup name (i.e., system name).
Report Type
- Total Only - displays the total amount needed to prepare without dining room allocations.
Dining Area Details - displays the amounts needed per dining area via separate dining area columns on the report; for example if serving 4 litres of soup, how much of those 4 litres go to each dining area. If Dining Area Details is selected, then the Consolidate Residence Areas to Dining Areas check box is available. For more on this check box, see the section Consolidating Residence Areas Enabled as Dining Areas below.
Page Break on Production Area - generates a page break for each production area.
Consolidate all Meals & Days (available if more than one meal is selected or more than one day is selected in base settings, and if Report Type is Total Only) - the report combines all items into one report, listing each menu item only once.
Indent Extensions - if an item is a therapeutic substitute being offered in lieu of the regular item, and that substitute item uses as an ingredient the regular item it is extended from, then such an item will be indented on the report and listed after the regular item. In the example below Gr.Pizza Cheese & Veg f/Par-Baked Crust is a substitute item extended for the regular Pizza Cheese & Veg f/Par-Baked Crust (in row above it) and also uses as an ingredient the regular Pizza Cheese & Veg f/Par-Baked Crust.
To help identify to kitchen staff why an item is indented, the footnote text Indented text indicates Regular recipe is used as an ingredient appears at the bottom of each page.
Options to Include
Recipe Details - display the cook method of the recipe.
Holding Temperature - displays the holding temperature of recipes.
Cook-End Temperature - displays the cook-end temperature of recipes.
Serving Utensil - displays any serving utensil entered for recipes.
Allergens - lists allergens a recipe is associated with.
Diet Order Tags - lists any diet order tags applied to recipes.
Portion Size Description - displays the portion size description entered for recipes.
Show Amounts By - select how the amounts to prepare will display on the report in the dining area section:
Servings - the number of servings for an item is listed in the Total to Prepare column and the Dining Area columns.
Volume/Weight - the total weight or volume for an item is listed in the Total to Prepare column and the Dining Area columns.
Servings - the number of servings for an item is listed in the Total to Prepare column and the Dining Area columns.
Temperature Tracking - if food temperature is to be tracked by being manually written on the report, then the report can be generated with two or four “temperature tracking” columns.
- None
- 2 Columns
- 4 Columns
- Include Note - allows you to enter a custom note to include on the report. The note displays on the last page of the report. The note has a maximum of 100 characters.
Sorting Production Areas on Kitchen Production Sheet
Production areas are listed on the report according to the sort order of the production areas. The sort order of production areas can be viewed and changed via Tools & Setup > Manage Facilities > Production Area tab. See Sorting Production Areas for more information.
Sorting Items in a Production Area on Kitchen Production Sheet
The sort order of items within a production area is illustrated in diagram below and further explained afterwards.
1 - Sorted by Menu Category
Regular items are sorted according to the sort order of the menu categories. Click here for instructions on sorting menu categories.
2 - Sub-Sorted by Choice
Regular items in a menu category are sub-sorted by choices (choice 1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Choices cannot be sorted.
3 - Sub-Sorted by Order of Regular Menu Items
Regular items in a choice are sub-sorted by their sort order on the menu (click here for instructions on sorting items on a menu).
With the above sort order logic explained, the items listed within a production area are as follows:
- Regular menu item is listed, followed by....
- Any therapeutic substitutes extended for the regular menu item, followed by...
- Any recipes used as an ingredient in the regular menu item.
(Right-click image to open and expand in new tab)
If a therapeutic substitute uses as an ingredient the regular menu item it is extended from, then such items can be identified by being indented below the regular item (second screenshot below). To do so, select the Indent Extensions check box (first screenshot below).
Sorting Dining Area Columns on Kitchen Production Sheet
If the Dining Area Details option is selected as the Report Type, then the dining area columns on the report are sorted according to the sort order of the dining areas. The sort order of dining areas can be viewed and changed via Tools & Setup > Facility Builder > Dining Area tab. See Sorting Dining Areas for more information.
Consolidating Residence Areas Enabled as Dining Areas
If meals are being delivered to residence areas, and you have more than one residence area in which meals are being delivered, and you have the Dining Area Details setting enabled in the report settings (which displays the amounts needed per dining area via separate dining area columns on the report), then by default a separate column is created for each residence area. In the example below, a column exists for the Sunny Area residence area and a column exists for the Area A residence area.
There is the ability to consolidate the production numbers of multiple residence areas into a "joined residence area column" on the report. In the example below, the Sunny Area residence area is consolidated into the Area A residence area, and the numbers are updated accordingly.
Consolidating residence areas involves first opening the residence area you want to consolidate, and then selecting the other residence area to consolidate into:
...and multiple residence areas can be consolidated into one residence area:
Steps to Consolidate Residence Areas
With the above knowledge of how residence areas are consolidated, complete the following steps to consolidate residence areas.
- Select Tools & Setup > Facility Builder. The Facility Builder screen appears.
- Click the Dining Areas tab.
- Click the residence area that you want to consolidate into another residence area. The slide-out panel for the residence area appears.
- From the Consolidate production to dining area drop-down, select the residence area to consolidate into.
- Click Save to apply your changes.
- To consolidate another residence area into the same residence area selected in step 4, repeat the above steps.
- Return to the Kitchen Production Sheet settings (Production > Reports > select the Kitchen Production Sheet check box).
- Select the Dining Area Details setting.
- Select the Consolidate Residence Areas to Dining Areas check box (screenshot below).
- Generate the report.
Can the "Used an an Ingredient" column be removed from the Kitchen Production Sheet?
No. The Used as an Ingredient column cannot be removed from the Kitchen Production Sheet.
I am not seeing all of my choice 2 items?
Ensure that the forecasting method that is applied to the menu is the percentage forecasting method instead of the census forecasting method. The percentage forecasting method includes items from all choices on a menu; whereas the census forecasting method only includes non-choice 1 items if a resident/patient's assigned diet order warrants it via the item selection logic.
How do I sort the dining area columns on my Kitchen Production Sheet?
See Sorting Dining Areas.