- About Diners in the POS System
- Opening a POS Diner Profile
- POS Diner Photos
- Entering a Badge or RFID Tag Number
- Viewing POS Order History for Diner
About Diners in the POS System
Diners in the POS system are automatically imported and subsequently synched from the associated resident (i.e. people) profiles in the MealSuite core system.
On the POS front-end, the POS operator will select a diner and create their order, as per screenshots below.
About Menu Items Shown to POS Diners
If resident personal menus in the core system are enabled to show in the POS, then items from individual personal menus appear in the POS for profiles with the table select (i.e., instant ordering) and advance ordering services types. For a profile with the non-select service type, no menu items are shown for them in the POS.
If resident personal menus in the core system are not enabled to show in the POS, then the regular items from scheduled menus appear in the POS to order regardless of a profile's assigned service type.
Enabling Personal Menus in the POS
To have resident personal menus shown in the POS, select the Use resident personalized menus check box for the POS location, as per screenshot below. See Configuring Service Settings for a POS Location to access this check box. Also, ensure to click the Save Location button to apply your changes.
Opening a POS Diner Profile
You open a POS diner profile in the Touch Admin software. To do so:
- From the left navigation pane, click People Management. The People Management screen appears.
- You can narrow the results onscreen via the following filters:
- Diner Category - select Residents, Staff, or Guests.
- Diner Type - select Active Diners or Inactive Diners.
- You can search for a specific diner via the Search field.
- For the diner profile you want to open, click its Manage Diner button. The diner profile is opened.
POS Diner Photos
Photos that you upload for a resident profile in the MealSuite core system will automatically appear in the POS diner profiles (and also the Touch app profiles).
Note: If photos are not synching to POS from the core system, please contact MealSuite Support. If you are MealSuite Support, please see the following internal article on synching profile photos: Synching Diner Photos from MealSuite System to Touch/POS (INTERNAL).
There is the ability to manually upload/change the photo for a POS diner. Doing so will also change the photo in the respective MealSuite core system and Touch app profiles.
To manually upload a photo for a POS diner profile:
- Open the diner profile.
- For the Diner Image section, click Choose File and navigate to and select the photo to be uploaded.
- Click the Update Diner button to apply your changes.
Entering a Badge or RFID Tag Number
If a diner has a scannable badge or RFID tag number, you can enter it on their POS diner profile.
- If an RFID tag number, the diner's fob or card can then be scanned by a supported RFID reader (i.e., Elo Edge Connect™ RFID Reader or WAVE ID® RFID Reader) for diner identification.
- If your diners use badges with linear barcodes, then it can be scanned by a supported barcode reader (i.e., Elo Edge Connect™ 2D Barcode Scanner, or an external barcode scanner).
To enter a badge or RFID tag number for a POS diner profile:
- Open the diner profile.
- In the Badge or RFID Tag # field, enter the ID number.
- Click the Update Diner button to apply your changes.
Viewing POS Order History for a Diner
Each time a diner makes a purchase in the POS, a purchase record is created. To view the purchase history of a POS diner profile:
- Open the diner profile.
- Scroll to the Order History section, where the purchase records are listed. Each record includes the following details:
- Order number
- Order date
- Meal period (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
- Date and time of order
- Kitchen completion time of order
- Delivered at (if delivered to room)
- Order items