The MealSuite Digital Menu Board
The MealSuite digital menu board displays your menu items on a monitor that is easily accessible and readable for your residents. The digital menu board will always be up-to-date, reflecting menu changes in real-time, and allowing your residents to be informed prior to ordering.
A menu board can be configured to be interactive on a touchscreen monitor, such as what is required for a dining room location.
A menu board can also be configured to be non-interactive (i.e., non-touchscreen functionality), such as what is required for a quick service location.
View Menu Items for the Day
View Menu Items for the Whole Week
View the Snack Menu
View the Also Available Menu
Items from the Also Available menu can be configured to instead show alongside the regular menu.
View Nutrition Facts
Select Different Diet and Texture Types
Tap the Change button at bottom right corner of screen to see offerings for a different diet type and/or texture type.
Note: If viewing items of a different diet/texture type, then after five minutes of idle time, the screen returns to showing the current day with regular items.
Accessibility Customization
The viewability and readability of the menu board can be customized by each user by tapping the accessibility icon at the bottom right (first screenshot below) and selecting the desired accessibility settings (second screenshot below). The accessibility settings are as follows:
- Bigger text
- Text spacing
- Pause animations
- Hide Images
- Dyslexia friendly
- Cursor (big cursor, reading mask or reading guide)
- Tooltips
- Line height
- Text align
- Saturation
How long before changes that I make to my menu are seen in a digital menu board?
Changes that you make to a menu will trigger to the digital menu board when the menu is closed.
After closing the menu, it should not take more than 20 minutes for the change to be reflected.
To "force" the changes to be applied before the 20-minute mark, you can power the device off and on, or please contact MealSuite support for them to manually trigger the update.