- Tutorial Video - Service Dashboard (3:36)
Viewing Order Statuses on the Service Dashboard
- Entering a Meal Refusal for Resident
- Viewing Changes to Resident Profiles via the Notifications Screen
- One-Page PDF Quick Reference Guides
Tutorial Video - Service Dashboard (3:36)
Viewing Order Statuses on the Service Dashboard
You can view the order statuses of residents on the service dashboard. For residents with advanced ordering (AO) ability, the service dashboard is a quick way to see if orders have been placed or not.
Opening the Service Dashboard
Under Service Tools, tap Service Dashboard to open the service dashboard.
Viewing Service Dashboard on Elo M50® Device
When viewing the Service Dashboard on an M50 Elo® device, the screen is orientated vertically for ease-of-use and readability for the user.
Order Status Descriptions
Order Status | Description |
The Add Refusal status indicates that an order has yet to be placed for the meal. Tap Add Refusal to add a refusal for the meal (see Entering a Meal Refusal for Resident below). | |
The Off Premise status indicates that the resident has been marked as LOA (i.e., off-premise) in the core system. | |
The Cancelled status will only be applied to residents with the advanced ordering (AO) service type. When you see a cancelled order, you can follow up with the resident and if needed retake the order. An AO order can be cancelled for one of the following reasons:
The Refused status indicates that the meal was refused (i.e., skipped), as per steps below. | |
The Order Scheduled status indicates that the order has been placed for the meal, but production is not yet completed. | |
The Production Completed status appears when the order has been fulfilled. | |
If meal delivery tracking is enabled for in-room orders (see Tracking In-Room Deliveries), the Out For Delivery status appears when the order has been fulfilled. | |
If meal delivery tracking is enabled for in-room orders (see Tracking In-Room Deliveries), the Delivered status appears when the staff member uses their M50 Elo® device to scan the receipt barcode on the ticket. |
By tapping a status, the time and date information displays of when the status was triggered (examples below).
Searching, Sorting and Filtering on the Service Dashboard
Use the helpful tools illustrated below to search, sort and filter the service dashboard.
Entering a Meal Refusal for Resident
If a resident who will be refusing (i.e., skipping) a meal, then you can indicate it in the service dashboard.
- For the diner who is skipping a meal, click the + Add Refusal button for that meal, and from the resulting pop-up that appears tap the Refuse Meal button.
- The Reason for Refusal pop-up appears for you to select the reason for refusal, and, optionally, to enter a note with additional information.
- Tap OK. You are returned to the Service Dashboard, where the Refused status now displays for the meal.
- By tapping the Refused status, the reason refusal details appears, and can be edited if needed by tapping the Edit Refusal button.
Viewing Changes to Resident Profiles via the Notifications Screen
You can view changes to resident profiles that have occurred from the past seven days via the Notifications screen.
The Notification screen is accessed by tapping the Notifications button at the top right corner of the Service Dashboard screen.
The following messages are displayed on the Notifications screen.
- New admittances
- Discharges
- Allergen changes
- Diet order updates
- Service type changes
- Leave of absence (LOA) out
- Leave of absence (LOA) in
- Cancelled orders (for AO service type only) due to resident profile change (see Cancelled status above)
To hide a message from the Notifications screen, tap its Close button.
You can hide all messages by tapping the Mark All Closed button. If wanting to view a hidden message switch on the Show Closed toggle.
One-Page PDF Quick Reference Guides
Click the attachments below for one-page PDF quick guides on the Service Dashboard and Notifications screen.