- About the People Service Report in the Touch App
- Tutorial Video - People Service Report in the Touch App (2:10)
- Running the People Service Report
- Adding People to the Report
- Layout of Report
- Increasing or Decreasing Size of Onscreen Content
- Viewing Diet Extensions for a Person
- Where is the Info Pulled from for the People Service Report?
- Default Settings for the People Service Report
- Printable One-Page Quick Reference Guide
About the People Service Report in the Touch App
The People Service Report lists meal service details for each person selected to be in the report. This report allows serving staff to access meal service details to help residents and patients with their meal choices. The meal service details that can be included for a person in the report are as follows:
- Diet order (diet type and texture type)
- Fluid type
- Diet interventions
- Dining Area
- If In-Room service is enabled
- Allergens
- Dislikes
- Do not serve items
- Meal or snack service notes
- Most recent profile note
- Personal notes added to menu items (i.e., food service notes)
- Daily service notes
- Specific item substitutes
- Fallback item substitutes
- Serving size adjustments
- Personal menu items (i.e., extra dinner items)
Tutorial Video - People Service Report in the Touch App (2:10)
Running the People Service Report
- On the main screen in Touch, under People Reports, tap People Service Report (first screenshot below). The People Service Report screen appears (second screenshot below).
- Select the meal period or snack time, which will display any services notes, and also determines the food items that display when you tap the View Diet Extension link after the report is run.
- The options to include on each person's profile are selected by default. It is recommended to keep all options selected. If it is decided not to include an option, then clear its check box. The options are as follows:
- Dislikes - includes any items marked as dislikes
- Include Date of Birth - includes the date of birth.
- Profiles Notes - includes the last profile note.
- Meal Service Notes - includes any service meal or snack notes.
- Food Service Notes - includes any personal notes added to a standard menu item or personal menu item.
- Daily Notes - includes any daily service notes added for a person.
- Personal Menus - includes any personal menu items.
- Extras - includes any personal items that belong to the Extra Items menu category.
- Specific Item Substitutes - includes any specific item substitutes.
- Serving Size Adjustments -includes any serving size adjustments.
Fallback Substitutes - includes any fallback item substitutes.
- Select the residence locations to run the report for. It is recommended to select all residence locations to capture all residents for the report. After you run the report, you can select the residents to add to the report by searching or filtering by their dining area assignments.
Note: The order in which the residence areas are listed onscreen can be adjusted in the MealSuite core system; see Sorting the Residence Areas for instructions. Any adjustments you make will take approximately 15 minutes to be updated in Touch.
- Tap the Create Report button, and the report screen appears for you to select the people (i.e., residents) to add to the report.
Adding People to the Report
The left column displays the people to add to the report. Either select the individuals to add by tapping their Add button. To include all people, tap the Select All button.
Filtering According to Dining Area
You can filter the people to be included in the report according to a dining area. To do so, tap Filter/Sort Options > Show, and select the dining area in the pop-up that appears.
For the selected dining area, if the people assigned to the dining area are assigned to specific tables and seats, then an additional sub-filter drop-drown appears. Tapping into the drop-down displays the "table" pop-up for you to select the table to filter by.
You can sort the people onscreen via the Sort by filter that is accessed by tapping the Filter/Sort Options at the top left. The sort options are either alphabetically, meal delivery area, or residential area (i.e., live location).
Searching for Specific Person
Via the Search tool, you can can search for a specific individual
Searching for Persons with In-Room Service
Via the Search tool, you can can search for all individuals with in-room service by typing "in room".
Layout of Report
Depending on the options you selected, a person's profile can include the following:
Increasing or Decreasing Size of Onscreen Content
Tap the magnifying glasses to increase or decrease the size of the onscreen content.
Viewing Diet Extensions for a Person
You can view the diet extensions for a person specific to the meal period or snack time that was selected when running the report. The items that appear are specific to the current day (i.e., you cannot select a different date).
To view the diet extensions of a person, tap their View Diet Extension link (first screenshot below) and a separate window appears listing the items specific to today's meal period or snack time that you selected when running the report (second screenshot below).
Note the following:
- A bold item indicates the first choice menu item.
- A non-bold item indicates an alternative item (i.e., a second choice item)
- An italic items indicates an item from an also available (AA) menu.
Where is the Info Pulled from for the People Service Report?
The people that can be included in the report are pulled from their assigned residential areas that you select when running the report (instructions above).
Default Settings for the People Service Report
Certain settings can be set by default when the People Service report is run by the Touch app user. These default settings are set in the Touch Admin software. To do so, complete the following steps:
- In Touch Admin, select Report Presets. The Report Presets screen appears.
- Scroll to the PSR section.
- Select or deselect the default settings as needed:
- Include Dislikes - includes any items marked as dislikes
- Include Profiles Notes - includes the last profile note.
- Include Food Service Notes - includes any personal notes added to a standard menu item or personal menu item.
- Include Daily Notes - includes any daily service notes added for a person.
- Include Personal Menus - includes any personal items.
- Include Extras - includes any personal items that belong to the Extra Items menu category.
- Include Specific Item Substitutes - includes any specific item substitutes.
- Include Serving Size Adjustments -includes any serving size adjustments.
- Include Fallback Substitutes - includes any fallback item substitutes.
- Include Date of Birth - includes the date of birth.
Include Meal Service Notes - includes any service meal or snack notes.
- Click the Update Report Preset button to apply your changes.
Printable One-Page Quick Reference Guide
Click the attachment below to download a one-page printable guide for the Touch People Service report.